04 • Breathe

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Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves, although everything here is happening in irl places/events (kinda). Everything here is fictional, that's the point of it being named fanFICTION :]


-third-person pov-

Sapnap finally came back home after an hour. He opened the front door and looked inside the house. He saw Dream's bedroom door was still closed so he was quite sure that Dream was still in his room. He let out a sigh. He then took off his shoes and closed the door. He walked up to Dream's room and tried to open the door. Surprisingly, it opened. Sapnap widened his eyes, he opened the door slowly and quietly.

He walked in and saw Dream on the floor in a corner of the room, struggling to breathe. Sapnap immediately ran up to him. He pulled Dream up and turned him around to face him.

"Breathe slowly. 1 in, 1 out." He said.

Dream did what he was told to do. Sapnap smiled softly.

"Now repeat again and again until you're breathing steadily." He said.

Dream breathed in and out multiple times until he could breath properly once again. He let out a sigh of relief.

"So, can you explain why you got a panic attack?" Sapnap asked.


"Is it because of me and Karl hanging out together?" Sapnap said once again.

Dream didn't reply, all he did was look down at the floor, not wanting to look at Sapnap. Sapnap assumed it was because of that so he only sighed.

"We only hung out as friends, nothing else. Don't need to get worried up so much until you got a panic attack..." Sapnap said pulling Dream into his arms, comforting him with his own warmth.

"I'm sorry..." Dream mumbled out.

"Don't be, its not your fault. You just got worried." Sapnap said.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed and I'll sleep with you too." He said once again.

He stood up and carried Dream on his back. He walked to Dream's bed and gently placed him down on the bed. Sapnap then laid beside him. Dream snuggled up to Sapnap and let out a giggle. Sapnap only smiled. Not long after, both of them fell asleep.

Boy oh boy... Dream is not going to be ready for what's going to happen soon...

[ayo im foreshadowing i think, oops-]


short chapter, i know. i swear I'll write a longer chapter next, but that might be after my exams. it's literally next week and I'm not revising, that's a bad sign.

my laptop's keyboard is also being fixed so im using my phone to write everything.

I'll probably have the next chapter out in May, depends on mood 😶

give every chapter a vote and maybe share it to your friends, i might publish another chapter earlier than expected 👀

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