07 • I love you, you know that right?

98 5 0

Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves !!


-third-person pov- 

Dream awoke from slumber. He stared at his ceiling for a while until he realised something. He got up from his bed and checked the schedule that he wrote down on a piece of paper. Today, he had to bring Sapnap to an amusement park. He went to the bathroom and got started with his casual morning routine then went downstairs. He saw Sapnap groggily walking out of his bedroom.

"Yo, Sap! Just woke up?" He asked.

"What do you think?" Sapnap grumbled in his morning voice.

Dream only chuckled. He observed Sapnap. His hair was a mess, eyes slowly blinking open, yawning. God, he's just too perfect for me. Dream thought.

"Stop staring, dumbass. Make me breakfaaaaassstttt." Sapnap whined.

"Fine, fine." Dream said, rolling his eyes.

He walked to the kitchen and started making some pancakes. Sapnap sat at the dining table, waiting for his food to be served. He watched Dream as he flipped the pancakes so flawlessly. He giggled.

"You like watching me cook that much?" Dream scoffed.

"Just shut up." Sapnap shushed Dream.

After the pancakes were ready, Dream put them on two separate plates. One for Sapnap, the other for himself. He picked up the plates and placed one in front of Sapnap and the other next to him. He then grabbed two forks and handed one to Sapnap. The other fork was placed on his plate.

"Anything you want to drink?" He asked smiling.

"A cup of orange juice will do," Sapnap answered grinning.

"Good choice." Dream hummed, turning around to walk to the fridge.

He opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice carton. He then poured it into a glass cup. After that, he gave it to Sapnap.

"Here you go, sir." He added.

"Thank you." Sapnap giggled and took the glass of orange juice.

He drank a sip and placed it back down on the table. He then started digging into the food in front of him.

"This is so good!" Sapnap said with a mouth full of food.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full. You'll choke!" Dream said laughing.

Sapnap gulped down the food immediately after Dream said that. Then, he took the glass of orange juice and drank it. Dream sat down next to him and started eating his pancakes.

"So, where are we going today?" Sapnap asked.

"Am-" Dream said, gulping down the food. "You'll see later."

"Just tell me nowwww" Sapnap whined.

"No, a surprise is a surprise." Dream scoffed.

"Fineeee." Sapnap pouted.

Dream then took the plate and fork to the sink. He cleaned them while talking to Sapnap.

A few hours passed, it was 3 pm. Dream decided to bring Sapnap to the place he wanted to bring him to.

"Sap! Go change, we're going somewhere in 10 minutes." Dream said to Sapnap.

Sapnap only nodded and walked to his room. Dream walked to his room after that too. Dream picked out an outfit from his closet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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