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Are you okay with reading smut? I know I put in the prologue so like I can but I just wanna know what yall think (::



"Chimon? Chimon, wake up!"

Chimon groaned stretching his arms up above his head, "what?"

"We have activities planned today and you have to come," Nanon said.

Chimon covered his face with his hands before rubbing his eyes and ruffling his hair. He quickly sat up and dressed himself while he was half asleep, washing his face and doing his hair last to wake him up a bit.

When Chimon left his room both boys were leaning again the porch beam waiting, Ohm in a nicely fitted yellow shirt and Nanon in a loose partially buttons Hawaiian shirt. Chimon felt under dressed.

"Why are you guys so dressed up, " Chimon said, looking down at his white tshirt, jeans, and cardigan.

Nanon tilt his head, "they said their was a dinner after the activities today."

Chimon was confused, "I didn't get the memo."

"Well maybe if you plugged your phone in, you would," Ohm sighed, he walked off the two boys following him.

"Non, why is Ohm so angry?"

Nanon looked at the taller male then back at Chimon, "I think someone said something to him earlier but I don't know, I wasn't with him this morning."

Chimon nodded the sighed softly, "ohm."

Ohm slowed down and walked by the other two, "yeah?"

"You know you can talk to us right? I dont want you to deal with anything alone," Chimon said softly.

Ohm smiled softly, "don't worry about it Chi, I'm sorry I didnt mean to snap at you."

Chimon patted the males shoulder, "dont worry about it."

Nanon smiled at the other two, just kind of admiring them. Chimon walked in silence with them looking around until he met eyes with someone.

A shiver ran down his spine, he quickly grabbed a hold of Ohm's hand. Ohm looked down kind of confused but brushed it off lacing their fingers together.

Chimon blushed a bit, Nanon wrapped and arm around the boys shoulders, "the first activity is watersports. "

Chimon got kind of excited about it, "really,? I always want to ride a jetski!"

Ohm smiled, "I know how to ride them, come with me."

Ohm dragged Chimon by the hand Nanon needing to catch on, "woah hold on, not all three of us can ride one."

"I'll ride with Mon, I'll teach him how to use it," Ohm said, taking off his shoes and putting a vest on.

"I wanna ride with Mon," Nanon mumbled.

Chimon smiled, "I'll ride with you after."

Nanon nodded stretching the back of his head not expecting to be heard. Nanon was on his jetski and he was kind of annoyed to see Ohm wrap his arms around Chimon to teach him to use the ski.

You could say Nanon was jealous, he was but he couldn't tell you who he was jealous of. Chimon was a sweetheart and Ohm was, I mean look at him, sculpted by the gods.

"Nanon you okay," Chimon turned to ask.

Nanon smiled at the boy, "yeah."

Ohm was behind Chimon hands on the boys waist, "try to catch up Non!"

Chimon took off, smiling from the excitement and the wind in his hair. Nanon caught up and laughed.

The boys were just enjoying and having fun with themselves and the jet skis. Chimon ignored the fact the Ohm had his hands on him and his body close but it still made him feel warm and tingly inside.

They finally got off and Nanon help the boys off their jetskis. Ohm got off and stumbled a bit Nanon grabbing his waist. Ohm and Nanon looked at each other for a bit before  pulling away from each other.

Nanon went to help Chimon who look like he was struggling with the life vest.

"Its not at hard as it looks Mon," Nanon said with a cute smile unclipping the belts on the life vest.

Ohm put all the vests back, "where are we going after this?"

Nanon looks at both of them, "well we have some free time, we can go into town for a bit."

Chimon heard that and felt excited, "yes, I want to go into town!"

Ohm smiled, "okay, sounds good."

Nanon let their person in charge know, then the three of them made their way. Looking at all the many things the vendors had set up.

"Chimon how about this one," Nanon said posing with a giant straw hat.

Chimon laughed smiling, "no, no, this one."

Chimon took off one hat and placed another, which made Nanon turn to the taller male, "Ohm what do you think?"

Ohm looked over and smiled, "it suits you."

Nanon was taken back but Chimon smiled, "it does doesn't it?"

"Guys, can we go get a drink I'm thirsty," Nanon spoke taking off the hat.

Ohm nodded and looked around but Chimon was at another stall looking at jewelry. The two walked over seeing him look at a gold chain.

"We are getting drinks do you want to come with," Ohm asked, peeking over the boys shoulder.

Chimon nodded and went with the boys to get a drink, "I want the hibiscus tea."

"One pink milk and a butterfly pea lemonade please," Nanon said ordering the rest.

"Pink milk," Chimon said holding back a laugh.

"Hey pink milk is amazing," Nanon retorted.

"Chimon was just surprised, he's not making fun of you," Ohm said patting Nanons head.

"I would like to try a sip, I've never had it," Chimon said.

Nanon let him try it then continued to drink it, "normally I don't let anyone have a sip."

Chimon blushed a bit sipping his own drink.


Later that night was the dinner, Chimon stood alone trying to find his friend Drake. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.

"Hey you lost," it was JJ, Chimon didnt want to be rude.

"No I'm just taking in the atmosphere," Chimon replied looking around at all the pretty light.

"I have a table back their with my brother and my friend Lhong," JJ said.

"No I'm with someone thank you though," Chimon said.

JJ obviously didnt want to take no for an answer, "come on for just a little bit."

Chimon was taken back when the boy held his wrist, "No, I'm okay."

"Hey what part of no do you not understand, " A voice said grabbing the males wrist.

Chimon looked up and saw Ohm, behind him Nanon, JJ just rolled his eyes, "you guys can't fool me, Chimon isn't with you."

"No he's with us, plural," Nanon stood in with smirk.

JJ was confused, Ohm twisted his arm and pushed him to the ground, "if I see you near him again, you're dead."

"I don't want to associate with a whore anyway," JJ grumbled.

"Like being a rapist is better," Nanon spat.

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