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Do y'all want smut??? Cause chapter eight is gonna be spicy ANYWAY
Happy birthday Ohm ♡



Chimon sat outside looking over the people who walked the beach and how the water crashed into the shore. It was morning and he sat looking out with a tea in his hand.

A familiar person started to near his villa, "drake."

"Hey mon, is everything okay?"

Chimon told him everything, to JJ watching him to almost getting raped at the gym. Drake was so shocked and angry about the situation, then Chimon told him about Ohm and Nanon.

Drake started to feel calm, he knew his dear friend was in good hands, "thank god they were there, what happen to JJ?"

"They reported him to the security at the gym," Chimon said.

Drake nodded knowing the male would most likely end up in jail, "Chimon you are very good looking, I'm sure someone else will be just as crazy as he is."

Chimon frowned a bit, as he was looking he saw JJ's twin AJ but something was weird about him. He was crouching as if he didn't want to get spotted.

Chimon took a deep breath, Drake was more focused on the shirtless jogging male that stopped in front of the villa, "oh hey Ohm!"

Ohm smiled waving, walking up the stairs, "sup Drake haven't seen you in a while, how is Frank?"

Chimon was eyeing the males sweaty torso, also listening to the conversation.

"He's stuck at the villa," Drake shrugged with a smirk.

Ohm gave a teasing smile, "you gave it to him good last night huh?"

Drake gave a face that said "maybe" and shrugged. Chimon was taken back by the conversation, tearing his eyes from Ohm and hitting his friend in the arm, "Drake you can't just say things like that?"

"I just agreed technically Ohm said it, why don't you hit him," Drake pouted holding his bicep with his hand.

Chimon looked at Ohm's face in which the boy just winked at him, "I'm just going to go shower."

Drake looked at his friend who watched Ohm go inside before covering his bright pink face.

"Chimon literally just kiss him already, shower with him or something," Drake nearly yelled.

"No, what are you crazy?!"

Drake rolled his eyes, "you literally look like you want him to choke you so don't even."

Chimon blushed, "I'm not into that."

"I'm nearly positive you are, Frank seems innocent but he practically asks for it. Hes a brat," Drake huffed crossing his arms.

"I really dont need to know," Chimon said.

"But aren't you the slightest bit curious about what his lips feel like?"

Chimon blushed, "no."

"And how Nanon's hands might feel like?"

"Shut up."

Drake laughed, "listen, I'm going to go but, I feel like you should make a move before the trip ends."

Drake got up to leave and all Chimon could think about how literally a couple days ago he was hoping not to run into them.


Today's schedule was to hike up to the cliff and watch the sunset. It was near a beach so they still had young adults play around on the beach.

Chimon was far in the back where it was more alone and secluded, except he was with Nanon and Ohm. Drake was with Frank chilling on the side letting the male rest on his shoulder.

Drakes words were ringing through his head, what if he just kissed him? Chimon was a bit scared of rejection though he never faced it severely. This would also be his first time in his whole life confessing himself to someone else.

The sky was turning a nice shade of orange, it made Ohm's skin glow and Nanon looked peachy. Chimon felt Nanon's head softly fall onto his shoulder while, Ohm scooted a bit closer to him. Chimon had Ohm's arm around his shoulder the males hand playing with Nanon's hair.

"It's pretty isn't it," Ohm mumbled.

Chimon tore his eyes away from Ohm looking how shades of pinks and reds stretched over the once orange sky, closer to the horizon was a tint of purple.

"It really is," Chimon breathed out, captured in the natures beauty.

The sky was getting dark the colors were now a purple and navy blue as the sky darkened and stars were poking through. Groups started to head back the camp but the three boys didn't budge wanting to enjoy this moment a little longer.

"See you tomorrow guys, Frank is getting tired," Drake said waving at the males getting small waves from them.

The one in charge left a fire for the ones that stayed but also headed back to their villa.

"Chimon I got you something," Ohm stated in a low whisper.

Chimon glanced over and saw Ohm pull out the gold chain necklace that he was looking at the other day while they were in town, "wow."

Ohm smiled while Chimon grabbed it, "do you like it?"

"I do thank you," Chimon smiled looking at the boy, their faces inches apart.

Kiss him.

Just do it Mon, kiss him.

Chimon glanced down at the males plum lips then back up at his eyes, "I- uh."

Ohm looked down at Mon's lips before closing his eyes and softly kissing the male. Chimon's eyes fluttered shut the butterflies erupting in his stomach. He reached up to softly touch the males cheek and deepened the kiss.

"Mon stop moving- hey!"

Chimon pulled back and looked at Nanon terrified, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Shut up, I want one too," Nanon smiled kissing the male shortly.

Chimon blushed but, pulled Nanon back in for a second kiss. Nanon pulled the males bottom lips slightly when he pulled away the second time.

Nanon smiled then looked up at Ohm who smiled back at him, "you two are so handsome."

Ohm pulled in Nanon for a short kiss which made Chimon embarrassed.

"People could have saw us," Chimon whispered, hiding his face.

Ohm stood up stretching his arms before putting out the fire, "let's head back to the room."

Nanon got up and pulled up Chimon as an excuse to hold his hand on the way back. It was quiet as they walked back but comfortable.

Chimon felt comfortable.

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