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Reviewed by: Charlie_larose
Book Title: Get Out If You Can.
Author's Name: Walushaf


Cover: 9/10

It's very aesthetically pleasing and simple. The cover is quite intriguing and I would love to have it on my book shelf.

Title: 8.5/10

The title didn't really make sense in the first few chapters, but as soon as we hit the actual plot points, bam! I got it! It's thrilling and uncertain which adds all the more drama to the book and I honestly love that.

Blurb/Description:10 /10

It was amazing from start to finish, well written too. It's really interesting and I like how you exposed the character, even if just a little, in the blurb.

Creativity and originality : 8/10

I like how you took the classic 'haunted mansion' trope and added a thriller twist to it! And the 'high school kids involved in the murder' trope too, while they are pretty common,I think you worked really well with them not to mention, the classic 1950's aesthetic ;)

Plot and Flow: 19/20

So far I really like the plot, because it's not too fast paced, which is a common problem with novels like these.

The flow was really good as well and you had me at the beginning and ending of each chapter because of the constant Cliff hangers. (They might be annoying to some people but they build up suspense which is necessary here)

Character Development: 10/10

All of them were so well written, from their internal thought process, to the way they talk and behave. It felt like they were real people, interacting with each other. And I know I should be unbiased but I honestly love Ali and Di so much! I feel like I could gush about them!

Writing style, Grammar, spellings: 8/10

I think your writing style works really well with the genre. The multiple POV's are really great for the reader, as we can see every character's side of the story and you managed to handle them pretty well. The grammar was impeccable but I could see a few spelling errors, although most of the time, readers would skip over them.

Genre relevance: 10/10

This was a no brainer, every single chapter had me sucked in and on edge. I read the whole book in 2 sittings and the thrill every time someone spoke was just *chef's kiss*.

Reader enjoyment and Communication with the readers: 10/10

I loved it. I loved the whole thing. From the characters to the plot and the way you had the reader guessing over what was going to happen next was just amazing! I can't wait for the next update, because I'm certainly going to keep on reading.

Overall: 92.5/100

Absolutely stunning! The starting point of every chapter was exceptional and the constant cliffhangers only added to the mystery and intrigue. I could literally not put the book down because I was drowning in it (don't worry, in a good way). Characters were so amazingly written,(no I will not stop gushing over Ali and Di). The pacing was just right to my taste and the whole story flowed really well. You took a lot of common tropes and added your own twist to them and you managed them all really well.Good job!

Tips – These are just friendly suggestions from one writer to another.

Overall I think the book was pretty well written, everything worked well together. I would recommend that you go over the chapters once Just to clear any typos, but honestly there weren't many and most of them were easily overlooked. Other than that you did great!


Please contact your reviewer if you have any questions! Thank you for working with us! We hope these comments will help you improve your story and give you a sense of achievement for writing such a wonderful story. 



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