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Reviewed by: FmEver
Book Title: Keep
Author's Name: unknownbruh1984
                                   - - -

Cover: 0/10

It’s only a black picture. Nothing to comment on that.

Title: 1/10

A simple word that could mean a ton of different things. It doesn’t show/tell anything about the story.

Blurb/Description: 0/10

The blurb should give some information about the story and the characters. There’s nothing here apart from the author’s name and the days the story started and ended.

Creativity and originality : 2/10

I didn’t find anything original because it looks like any other fanfiction story where a girl and a famous boy fall in love.

Plot and Flow: 5/20

There’s no development, it’s a cold day, the girl meets the famous boy, he gives her his jacket, he blushes and she kissed him. That’s it. We don’t know anything about the boy or the girl or how they first met. There’s no background, and the chapters are 1 or 2 paragraphs long. Actually the entire story could fit in a small chapter.

Character Development: 2/10

As mentioned before, there’s no background. It’s a cute scene but that’s all. It’s not a story, the characters could be any girl and any famous boy.

Writing style, Grammar, spellings, etc.: 4/10

I noticed a few grammatical mistakes, no spelling errors. The dialogue punctuation was wrong. You should put the full stop inside the quotation marks and when you use a dialogue tag, put a comma and not a full stop at the end of the dialogue.

You changed the pov too. I think the first two chapters are in the third person pov and suddenly you change the pov to the second person.

Genre relevance: 10/10

It’s a fanfiction as the author mentioned in the form. I don’t know who the male lead is but after reading the comments, I realized it must be a famous singer or actor.

Reader enjoyment and Communication with the readers: 7/10

The readers seemed to enjoy the story, but the author didn’t respond to most of the comments.

Overall: 31/100 

There are many mistakes but they can be fixed. My main issue was the fact that you put a half a page story in 7 chapters for what? To attract readers? To gain more views? This could be a great fanfiction if you actually work on your characters and have a plot. Who is the girl? What does she like to do? How and why did she fall in love with him.
I understand I might look like a harsh reviewer but I don’t like to sugar-coat my reviews because I believe it’s better to be honest. Anyway, I don’t know if you want to improve your story, but if you do, please, work more on your plot and characters.

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