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Reviewed by: Anusara12Book Title: EpistleAuthor's Name: Ivashkov20

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Reviewed by: Anusara12
Book Title: Epistle
Author's Name: Ivashkov20

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Cover: 4/10

The Cover of your book is nice and simple but I don't think it is related to the title of your book or your plot. Maybe you can use letters or something else that goes with the plot.

Title: 6/10

The Title 'Epistle' seems simple but it suits your book well, since the book majorly revolves around them. But the title isn't really unique. I found quite a few books named the same. You can be creative, play with words to come up with a better and unique title.

Blurb/Description: 3/10
The blurb could've been better. The blurb contains enough information for the readers to start with but it could be better. Maybe if you change the formatting it will be better. For example, instead of writing from your point of view, write it from the third person. If it's a shop or rant book the format you use would've been great but for a book, it will be better only when you write it from the third person or from one of the character's point of view.

Creativity and originality : 7/10

I will say your book is really original because I haven't read many books based on letters but that is just a part of your book. As much as I loved the idea of you using letters but the book needs some formatting. Also, the reason why you elaborated the scene in many letters is still a mystery. Giving some hints here and there in the book and telling us something about how Tania or Tina is feeling after each letter will be better.

Plot and Flow: 12/20

I didn't quite get the plot since, the story is yet to start and from what I've read your plot is quite interesting. Maybe if you had introduced the characters in the prologue or the letters, I might've gotten hold of the plot better. The flow of your book could've been better. I liked the idea of letters but you could've formatted it better. Some scenes seemed rushed while some were explained vividly. So I suggest you maintain a constant pace of your plot.

Character Development: 3/10

The Characters of your book weren't introduced well. They weren't relatable. Though I was able to imagine their movements, I wasn't able to relate and reason their actions. I have a rough idea about who Tina or Tania is but then Anjali is still a mystery even after seven chapters. I couldn't understand her or relate to her at all.

Though I loved the way you introduced her, through letters but then you could elaborate on her feelings. Since, we don't know how she looks or how she feels, it was hard for me to understand her. Your main focus was on unravelling the scene that you didn't mention much about Anjali. It is important that readers understand all your characters within the second or third chapter of introduction. It will not only help your readers understand the plot well but also emotionally connect them with your book. Also try adding some unique characteristics for each character. You can work on it since this is just the first draft of your book.

Writing style, Grammar, spellings, etc.: 4/10

Your writing style is simple and pretty neat and majorly focused on the atmosphere and setting development. Character development is important too. Try adding some description about how each character feels.

There weren't many spelling mistakes but I was able to find some mistakes in grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Let me point a few out for you.

"Being on the highest floor; 22nd floor of her iron castle, a small smile laced her plump lips" - here the sentence meaning isn't clear.

"Ask Kian to meet me. Here" - it should've been written like "ask Kian to meet me here." Since, it was a continuation of the sentence you don't have to capitalise and the full stop could be avoided.

'Her black eyes shone' and not 'her black eyes shown'

'Murder? She thought worried...' - this sentence needs some restructuring.

These are just a few. So, I suggest you re-read the chapters and edit them. Also try to avoid unwanted punctuations and capitalisations.

Genre relevance: 8/10

I would say your book is a fantasy mystery book more than a fantasy romance book. The main focus wasn't on romance but I loved the way you built mystery.

Reader enjoyment and Communication with the readers: 5/10

As much as I love the concept of letters I would say, your book was quite confusing. Though you only published over 7 chapters, I feel like it is enough to understand the plot.

Overall: 52/100

The concept and your idea is great but you need to execute them well. Look for spelling, grammatical and punctuation mistakes. Proof read the chapters before publishing and Look out for those sentences which need to be restructured or rewritten. Please don't feel bad, you can always improve on those areas. Keep writing! All the best! 

 Keep writing! All the best! 

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