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Title: It’s The Hate That Counts
Author: Sniggggyyyy
Reviewer: sassy-weirdo

Title- 4.5/5
The title does quite match the story and even though it gives a teen fic/ YA/ NA vibe, it still is capable of attracting a vast audience.

Cover- 2/5
Considering that both Zach and Jones (I like calling her that, lol) are adults in their early twenties, I suggest having adult face claims instead of teenagers (unfortunately that’s what the face claims seem like even if they’re not). I’d tell you to go for vectors since the simple look would satisfy our simple Ms. Jones but a cover with face claims would look good too. There are many graphic designers on Wattpad to whom you could request for a cover.

Blurb- 5/5
Now, I absolutely love the blurb! It was so captivating and just the right amount of length and details to ignite the fire of curiosity within oneself. You earned a lot of brownie points here :)

Opening Chapter- 9.5/10
The opening chapter was so good, I could basically feel the contrasting relationship Jones has with both the boys present at the airport. But my favourite part was the starting; after all, what’s better than a satisfying and humorous start accompanied with the lyrics of a song that matches
the overall chapter theme. Great job!
Now coming to the minus points, there are a few punctuation errors. I’ll mention some common
errors here-

● A semicolon is usually not required before a conjunction since conjunctions join two
sentences while semicolons are used to write two sentences related to each other, in one sentence. For eg- ‘Be positive, everything’s fine.’ (this is a line from your story)

● Another mistake that I noticed was the use of hyphens instead of commas. Commas are usually used (while writing, that is) to add in your/the narrator’s own opinion or to
lengthen a line while hyphens are used to elaborate a scene or give examples. For eg-
‘I got laid back because the minimum height requirement to be a pilot is 5’4 while I, if you haven’t already guessed, am 5’3.’ (this is another sentence from your story)

● In the above example, you’ll notice that I have removed the comma before because and changed the ‘and’ to ‘while’. This is because commas, much like semicolons, do not need to be added before a conjunction as both have similar uses i.e a comma is also
used to join two sentences just like a conjunction. Now coming to the word change, ‘and’ is normally used to add into a point or a scene while ‘while’ is used to indicate a contrast which is essential to show why Emma dropped the idea of becoming a pilot. Other than this, you’ll also notice that I have replaced the hyphens with commas.

Hope I was able to make it clear what I had meant in the above point.

Other than these, I’m extremely pleased to say, there are no grammatical errors- the same tense is used throughout and the punctuations are more less correct and so are the parts of speech and spellings. Great job! :)

Character Development- 9.5/10
The character development was gradual and in depth. Everytime I read a new chapter and got to know something new about the protagonists and their relatives and friends, I was thrilled to be able to understand them better and got even more anxious to familiarise with them. The character of Emma Jones is so relatable at times- the simple dressing sense, the humour and sarcasm, talking with one’s inner voice and even having a grumpy boss. Now Zach on the other hand, well… there were times when I yearned to slap him for mistreating Em and yet there were
times when I wanted to hug him and tell him everything will turn out alright albeit there being ups and downs.

Emma’s humorous and mischievous nature and Zachary’s no nonsense and tough yet emotional character are truly a perfect match and I can’t wait until they keep their arguments aside and sort out the big storeroom full of files that we call a brain and actually open the file named ‘Love’ (it would be even more thrilling since he wouldn’t have Signora Jones to bring the
file for him).

Also, the love I feel for twinnie is above and beyond. Her sarcasm’s just over the top and so are her advice. I wouldn’t mind reading the whole tale from her point of view.

Writing Style- 9.5/10
I have figuratively fallen for the writing style (pardon my A Series of Unfortunate Events joke ;p).

It’s just perfect for the theme of your story. The limited use of flowery words suit the narrator i.e Emma Jones (even though Grumpy Boss Walker does have a say in the way the story’s unfolding) who’s an extremely simple good girl.

Grammar and Vocabulary- 6/10
The vocabulary is pretty good compared to the overall concept of the story but the grammar needs to be tweaked and mended. There are quite some punctuation errors as mentioned
earlier; there is also the topic of tense change. There are various points when the tense changes from present tense to past tense in the middle of a sentence that has been written in present tense and is happening at present (corresponding to the chapter’s timeline).

In later chapters, past tense has been used which I must admit, I prefer more than the present tense but that’s probably because most books are written in past tense. But, I do like your approach of using present tense, it just seems to not have stuck. There are even times in the later chapters where present tense was used in the middle of a sentence written in past tense. The chapter that needs the most editing according to me, is chapter two but I would still suggest you proofread your draft/ chapter while editing and even before publishing to give a satisfying and wonderful experience to your readers. Proofreading apps are available on Google Play Store
but I think you should even read through the document before posting so as to avoid any mistake overlooked by the app.

Plot- 9.5/10
The plot is pretty good and I must say, I’m hooked. There are few stories that I actually like considering how picky I am but this one is definitely on the ‘Can’t Wait For The Next Update’ list.
The plot is a bit cliche but aren’t all plots like that? There are so many stories it’s inevitable that some plot would be used at least once or even overused, it depends on the author how they will write the story and add their own elements to spice things, especially the plot, up. Kudos to you for thinking up such an amazing plot!

Flow- 10/10
The flow is quite well written. Usually, writers just write a scene and jump to the next without saying what happens in between them since it won’t affect the plot or is a secret that is meant to
be disclosed later on. You on the other hand, do not follow the footsteps of these authors which is something I like :) Even if there are parts that will not affect the plot, you write them in short so that the reader does not get confused or muddled up :)

Genre Relevance- 0/5
Unfortunately I’m unable to believe that this piece of literature falls under the humour category with a sub genre for new adult romance. Romance usually revolves around relationships and stuff which I’m pretty sure you’ll know much better than amateur me but I stand by my opinion of
this story falling under the humour genre.

Communication with Readers- 2/5
There are comments that one can basically give no response to but there still are comments which would warm the readers’ hearts to be able to bond over the story with the author if they
are responded to. It’s a great thing that you still do answer the queries of the readers but I think it would be a good approach to respond to some of the comments, if not all of them, from time to time.

Overall Enjoyment- 5/5
Overall, I loved the journey I have had so far and am extremely anxious to know more about the events that happen to ‘Ella’ after the… well, last chapter. Hope my review helped you, can’t wait to see where this story goes :)

Total- 72/90

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