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You  three let go of your hug and turned to commander erwin.  You apologised and said:

It was 5 years ago in our hometown shiganshina i think you know that the titan was crushing our whole town. Me eren mikasa and.. you hesitated but then continued. Me eren mikasa and hiro were running away from the titan.. hiro died because that stupid titan eated him infront of our eyes you clenched your fists together anger was growing inside you but also the pain, as you remembered all like it was just happened a few minutes ago. After that i was runnig away i was just 10 years old eren was 11 years old and mikasa too. It was too much for me because hiro was like an older brother to me..
I lost both, mikasa and eren in the crowd and since then i was living in the underground..

Erwin stood there in shock because he felt pity for what you've been trough.

He then said: if thats so i will allow you to ride with jaeger,do you have any clothes or stuff you want to bring with you ? You simply nodded and were going to your house to pack some stuff. After a few minutes you came outside with a little bag you were going to eren's horse. Eren was with mikasa to put your bag in a save place you didnt know how to get on the horse. Your cheeks started to burn and you blushed as you felt someon lifting you up. It wasn't eren it wasnt mikasa no it wasnt even the commander, it was the raven haired boy everyone calls captain levi.
As he helped you to get on the horse you thanked him. He clicked with his tongue and let go of you.

Then you felt something you didnt know what it was..
You were sad..
But why were you sad ?
Then you knew it.. you missed the touch of captain levi..

You ignored it and thought: what is this feeling... i dont like it.. or do i? I dont know !!

As soon as you finished the thought you were riding to the HQ (Headquarters)

Levi P.O.V:

After i saw Y/N struggling to get on the horse i wanted to help her. Dont ask me why i dont even know why. She blushed as she saw who was helping her. She was on the horse now she thanked me and i just clicked my tongue. I was pissed because.. because.... damn i dont know why but i kinda wanted  that she dont ride with jeager. I glanced over to her she was cuddling jeager from behind so she wouldn't fall off of the horse. I was mad now not at Y/N iwas mad at jeager! This brat is going to clean the whole mess hall till its more cleaned then my standards.


Y/N P.O.V:

Eren helped me to get off of the horse as soon as i was on the floor my legs were shaking and i felt to the ground. Eren chuckled and helped me up. I didnt saw that captain levi was watching us the whole time. It wasnt creepy or something but kinda cringe.
My eyes met levis and they connected. We stared at each other and it felt like hours i dont wanted it to stop but then levi spoked up after eren came back from the stables: „ oi jaeger you are going to clean the whole Messhall, but not only to my standarts i have to be impressed!" eren swallowed loudly  and nodded he quickly ran away to get the cleaning tools i guess. I watched him till he was out of sight. Now that he was away the other cadets started to bring their horses to the stable. Commander erwin too. There was now only me and captain levi. He caught me staring at him. Again. He then said. Tch, are you always staring at everyone?" i didnt know what to answer.. he thought i was weak but i wasnt usually im strong, i dont show much emotions. I was in thought as i caught a tall girl with a pony tail her hair was brown with a little red tone under it she was wearing glasses and a labor suit. She then screamed LEEEVIIIIIIII Omg who is this pretty girl? Do you finally found a girlfriend?????? He was about to answer as she was running to me she stood now in front of me and hugged me i was shocked but she seemed nice so i hugged her back. „Im squad leader hanji zoe but just call me hanji" i nodded. „Squa- i mean hanji im not his girlfr-„ she then interrupted me and screamed (again): damn shorty you got a beautifuuuullll girl!!!! Whats her name? Wheres she from how old is sheeee????? You guys are gonna have soooo super cute kids tho!!!!!!

Me and captain levi then both said at the same time: were not a thing hanji!!!

She taked a step back and watched us suspiciously „hmmm i don't believe you but i have to go to sawney and beannnnn bye you lovebirds"

I sighed levi showed me the way inside and we both headed to the messhall since it was short before dinner time.

I sighed levi showed me the way inside and we both headed to the messhall since it was short before dinner time

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This is btw the way levi looked as he was staring at you

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