Unknown feelings

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-Short A/N: the song is red swan as you may know i played this song while i was writing this chapter over and over so yes thats why i added it in and bc its a beautiful song ok lets head to the chapter guyss (((((:


As we entered the mess hall captain levi was goint to a table i didnt want to follow him. I was quite scared how he would react. So i headed to a table were no one sat. I didnt knew one of the cadets in the hall. Just captain levi was there he was the only one i knew. Mikasa had eaten before and eren is still cleaning. I finished my meal and i was about to go when i saw hanji coming to me but this time she was calm. I was thankful about this. She sat down beside me and said „y'know Y/N, i think shorty likes you tho!" sh-shorty?? I asked with confusion. She just nodded her head where captain levi was peaceful sippin on his tea. He looks infront of him into the nowhere. He is quite a emotionless person. It was hard to read him. Hellouuu Y/N???? Y/NNNNNN!?!?!!!! She snipped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her with big eyes of fear but it was going away in less then a second. As i looked at her she has that big grin on her face i knew that she was going to say something about me know. And this is exactly how it went. „You like shortstack?????, awwwwwwww Y/NNNNNNN you love shorteyyyyy"
I quickly put a hand on her mouth to stop her nonsense yelling. After i put my hand back she still grins at me. To my self defence i shaked my head and said loudly like she did it „why would i like my superior i dont even know him for a whole day" i caught him staring deeply at me. He then stood up walking towards me. I was scared,hella scared what if he punched me or something or even worse then this!?! He stood now in front of me his face only a few inches away from mine. He then said with a stoic expression on his face: my office after you finished your meal. He then walked out of the messhall without even turning back to you. You waited a few minutes because hanji explained to you were his office was. Before you could leave she wiggled her eyebrows to you. You just sighed, And headed to his office,with so many thoughts what could happen now. You had this unknown feeling in your stomach it was tingling and it felt like butterflies inside your belly would do a party but it was uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. It was definitely not your time of the month. You never felt like this. This feeling wasnt pain. Hm you thought i will ask hanji later. You stood now infront of his office 2 large wooden doors were infront of you they were clean and not broken like in the house you used to live in. You knocked 3 times and after a few second a dark voice answered

Name and business.

„Y/N  L/N sir you wanted to se-„
He interrupted you with a quite come in.

You opened the doors and you were greeted with a big clean room a few feet infront of you was a long beautiful desk. It was all organised and clean. You were interrupted from your thoughts as you heard a:
„Take a seat cadet" you sat down looking at the raven haired beauty infront of you.. wait did you just called him beauty in your thoughts? What is this feeling. And why is my cheek burning? Am i blushing?!? I have to see hanji. But first i have to listen to that beau- i mean the captain.

He spoke up:
Here is your uniform im gonna take you to your room since your new here. He stood up before you could even answer. You two walked in silence to the girls dorm. He accidentally touched your hand ad he was about to open the door your glaze met his and your eyes locked for a few seconds. He broked the gaze and let out a tch. But there is something you never thought you could see in ages. Not even in your dreams. He had a red face from blushing and a little smile on his face you had this feeling again but this time you enjoyed it. With every fiber of your being.

You both walked into the room and he shows you the bath, your dresser and he told you who was going to be your roommate it was a girl named sasha braus. You just nodded and put the uniform on your bed.  „Thank you captain levi for showing me all of this"
He nodded and he pushed the doorknob down but then he stopped and looked back at you he said quitely „call me levi when were alone" you nodded in shock you didn't expected this. He left your room and you Decided to take a shower first. You stepped into the shower the cold water rinsed down your body. The only thing you was thinking about was levi
At the thought lf him you smiled but then it disappeared and you wondered again what is this feeling. You quickly stepped outta the shower and get dressed in the uniform you wanted to wear so bad. You were looking at the mirror, you saw yourself, you said out loud. My dream finally came true. You now headed out of your dorm because you wanted to see hanji to ask her what this feeling is about. But then it came to your mind: you didnt know where her office was. Levis office was near to you so you decided to go and ask him. You knocked again three times he asked again: name and business . Y/N  L/N  can i ask you something? Come in was all you got you shrugged your shoulders and you were entering the same beautiful room as before. You closed the door and immediately take a seat. He put down the pen and locked his eyes with yours. Again. Capt- i mean levi can you show me the room of hanji? He nodded you stood up but then he spoked up again: cadet L/N- you interrupted him quickly and said call me Y/N when were alone he nodded and continued: Y/N do you know if your boyfriend is already finished with his cleaning duty?... you looked at him with confusion your eyes still locked with eachother „levi.. eren is not my boyfriend he is.. gay..(A/N: if you not okay with that say he gots a girlfriend or sum) and i.. you hesitated. I.. i never had a boyfriend before.. he answered quitely.. so you dodnt hear him.. me neither.. you looked at him with suprised eyes. But you were hiding it quickly obviously he didnt want everyone to know. You both stand up and headed to her office you both knocked and opened the door there was a letter „heyy whoever this is reading this right now i got a week off so if you need something dont forget it, and tell me when im back wrote your name down so i know where to knock

- your hanji-san

You both shrugged and walked in silence to your dorms you stripped the clothes off of you and went to bed you were exhausted and fell asleep st the thought of levi.

Heyy guysss loooooongest chapter ever written down dont hate me for my lil plot twist i want to keep the story interesting and i hate it when they love each other in the first few chapters i wanna make a long story and thats why im sorry guys love youuuu

-1343 words

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