Silence Care

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I love quietly....
How do I talk about this?
It's all my fault, I am a coward.
Just watching you giggle.
The world suddenly became so quiet.
Just the sound of the heartbeat.
That I was determined to love you.
Right now, you're the only one.
The world suddenly became so quiet.
Dare not breathe hard.
Because I'm afraid it's a dream.
Accidentally wakes up
Most want to see is your smile
In my eyes you are the best.
You wouldn't know.
I love quietly....

I looking for the song that Sam sang yesterday, I never heard it before.... And he make fun of me because I was off tone... Hmmm....


Sam.... Is he alright?? He look so tired and he lost weight... I worried for his health, is he sick? Is he exhausted? Is he over work him self again? Hmmm.... I keep wondering is he alright? Is he have something troubling him? Did I have to ask him? But... He will tell me if he want, yeah I don't want to him to be burdened because I ask something that he doesn't want to talk about...


My mind is still full with through of him....
I hope he's fine....
Yeah... He will be fine...
Just trusting him Yu!! Yep!! He is Zi Hong!! Yes he will be alright!
Ok! Just relax my self!! Don't worried too much!
Ok! I will be relax!


And so on... I keep listening the song 'Love You in Silence' that Sam sing on Ig live yesterday... It's a good song, I like to hear it....
But I like it more when Sam is the one who sing it, he has a nice voice... Voice that can make person who hear it, pregnant... Hehe.... Yeah that our fans... Or his fans said... Pregnant... Hmm....
Is that even possible? Hmm... Hehe...


"Because I'm afraid it's a dream.
Accidentally wakes up"
This line effected Sam personally... Why? Hmm... What kind of thing that he scared to lose? His popularity? His achievements? His career? What it is that bother him so much, what is it, that make his look so stressful? He looks restless, and worried... I'm worried about him... Hmmm... I want to help.... Did he want my help? Or I going to make it even worse? Is that something that he need to solve him self? Hmmm...
Did I should ask him? No? Sigh... Ah... I think I will just quite... I don't want to bother him more... Hmmm... Ok! That's it.

Ah.....!! Sam... Calling...







"????????" What does Sam mean? He just call my name??? Is he alright?




"Zi Hong...???"

"Hmppp...... #&£+*##........" Ok! He make fun of me! Hmmm... Well at least he was laughing...

"Sam! Why you  like to tease me so much??"

"Hahhaha.... Your reaction is so real Yu... So cute... I love it... I love you..." Hmm??? Is he teasing me again?

"I love you too..."

"Yu... Yu... Yu... You're really so perfunctory! Aren't you?  Ha.. ha.. Yu... I miss you..."

"Hmm?? Yeah me too... I miss you too Sam"

"Hahhaha... I mean it! I really really mean it"

"Hmm???? I really mean it too????"

"Ahhh.. God Yu.... Hahahahah... Why your reaction is always this funny? Yu.... I love you, I miss you... And I mean it!" Hmmm... Why Sam said it over and over? Is he teasing me again???

"Okay... Me too"




"??? Oh okay... Sam... Hmmm...."

"Hmm?? What is it Yu? Just tell me... Don't be so quiet"

"Hmm.... Sam... Is there something that I can help please tell me... Is there anything... Anything at all, just speak to me" I hope Sam won't get bother because of it.

"Yeahhh.... You definitely can help Yu! You can!! Only you that can help me??" Hmmm... I find Sam is bother with something, but what is it? He just always said everything randomly, so it's hard to know what he really mean.

"Would you tell me then?" I hope he will let me help him!

"I love you Yu.... Can you love me back??"

"Hmm...???" I not quite understand what is Sam doing...
"I already love you back, did I Sam??"

"Yu... I mean real love... Yu... Hahha no... it's nothing... Sorry to call you this late, then see you again Yu.... Miss you so much" My heart's ache... I don't want to end this call, I got a hunch that Sam is not in the right mind... Something is bothering him so much!

"Sam.... Hmmm.... Can I come over to your place??"

"[ Bragh...... Sound of falling thing]...." Hmm??? Is Sam dropping something?

"Are you alright Sam? Did something fall??"

"Yeah Yu.... I fall my self... Real hard..."

"Hmmm?? Becereful.. Sam!"

"I try it to be, careful... but I still fall... Hard Yu.."

"Are you alright???" I worried about him...

"100% fine Yu no worries! So about before do you really mean it? Want to came over to my place?"

"Hmm.... Yeah... Can't I sam? If I bothering you, just said it, sam, we can meet other time..."

"No! No! You never bothering me! Not at all Yu! Just.... Just let me sleep over at your place... Can't I? I like your place more..."

"Oh... Hmm... Ok, if you like it here, no problems, when you will come?" Sam place is cleaner than my place why he like it here more? But it's no a problem for me anyway, I just want him to talk to me.

"Right away... Just give me few minutes to gathering my thing, wait for me Yu ok"

"Ok... Cu.."

"Ok then Cu soon... Hei Yu.... Love you... Bye.."
With that he just end his call... Hmm... He so random...


Ah... What I should order for dinner? Hmm... Or I will make some fried rice? well ok, I will...
Ah did I have a futon? Oh no, I don't have it... Ah... I let Sam sleep on my bed, and I can sleep on the sofa, ok then... Yeah... That will work..


Ah... I will ask Sam to singing 'Love you in Silence' again... I really like his voice.... Sexy... Hehehe.... Hmmm... When he will arrive???
Hmmm... I got impatient... Hehe....
Hmmm... Ah... Fried Rice!! I forgot it! I need to prepare it now, hmm... I'm happy❤️❤️❤️


Wow.... I made another ff hahhaha,
I got really interested in Yu personality, his reaction is just like an anime character,
And I enjoyed making this chapter from Yu side
Hope you can enjoy it too


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