Sam's affectionate

704 17 2

I feel my head spinning and turning, my body feel so light.... Like flowing in the air... Ah... I want to sleep...
Yes... I feel like I sleep on the clouds...
This feel good...
For a long time I never feel this kind of comfort....








hmmm.... who call me?
ahh.... I want to sleep...
let me sleep....




ah... please let me sleep... I'm so tired....
but... is that Sam? is that Sam who call me?
ah... Sam.... I miss him.....


but.... I'm so sorry Sam, I don't have strength even just to open my eyes lid, I feel like I have to go back to my deep slumbers...


hmmm?? I literally flowing at the air?? hmm.. cool... I dreaming that I flying? no... not fly... just flowing ... mhmm... this feel good... I feel save and comfort, I want to sleep.... hmmm... so comfy...


I think I done it to much!!! man! I lost control!! arrggghhh I'm so sorry Yu!!


I drained him too much, now he was very limp, he can hear me calling at him, yes, he give a tiny reaction to my call, but I can see I totally drained him, he in a deep slumber... I can't wake him up!


"I'm so sorry Yu, I can't control my self, but I will take care of you, ok??!! please forgive me when you wake up, ok Yu?!"


Lucky me, this cat boy of mine, is so light, I can carry him in ease, so I take him to the bathroom, laying him at the bathtub, fill it with warm water, and clean him...


Damn!!! his skin is so soft and so pale, I never gonna bored to touch this delicate skin of this boy, my boy's!!


Yu sleep peacefully, he don't even bother I was touching him all over, he even snores softly, so I soaped his whole body... outside... and.... inside... of course I have too!! don't judge me!! I have to clean him on the inside too, that my load there!!


Aaarrgggg I was on my biggest dilemma on my whole life!!! not only I turn my self into a gay, but also turn this lovely boy into a gay too, and that not even enough for me! I really enjoy it???!!!! oh God.... please forgive me!! Yu please forgive me! Yu's papa, mama, please forgive me!! mom, dad please forgive me!!! I'm sorry, but I really fall hard for him!! too hard, and too deep!!


I cares Yu skin... so soft.... touch his nose... his perfect nose... his cute cheek, his lovely mole, his soft lips, and his temptation chin... arrghhh I want all of him!!! all of it!!! I can hold my smile, he so cute, and he is mine!! aaagghhh.... so damn happy!!


"Yu.... how came I fall this much for you?? ahhh... Yu I love you so much.... love you Yang Yu Teng!!" I got lulled by my own melancholic through... and got cared away too far... 
staring at this handsome boy's of mine, smiling by my self like a psyco... I don't know how many time has fly while I was on my own bubbles of happiness....


Well Sam!! wake up my self!!!! you can cares him more at the bed! he need to get back to his bed, and his warm blanket!!! it's your fault!! you suck him dry!! if he got sick it's your fault!!! yes!!! I mad to my self!! because I made my cute cat boy this exhausted!!! I will take good care of you Yu!!


Yup... I do everything, clean the bed, exchange the sheet, change his clothes, dry his body and his hair, then I run to the near pharmacy, buy an anti-inflammatory, paracetamol and penicillin... I don't want him to get sick because of me!!!
I run back to Yu's room, and prepare all the thing...

Yu still sleep soundly...he sleeping peacefully... his look... happy?? I stare at his lovely face... he looks smiling??? hmmm.... did I made a delusional through because of my guilty conscience?? but he look... comfort, sleep in so much satisfaction??


Ok, that it Sam!!! back to work!!! yes.. yes need to give my boy a medicine!
Finished it quickly Sam!!! don't make this boy sick!! do you hear me? I slap my self on my mind, and try to pull my self back to earth!! because evertime I look at him, I got suck to my own world's, world that I can only see him, not realize other people!!!


I make all the work done, give him all the medicine, and cover him with warm blanket, and now I have the whole time on the world to stare at my boy's!!! looking at his face, and I can smiling like an idiot all I want!! aahhh... I love this face!!! did I will get tired watching at him?? hmmmm.... so cute, perfect sculptures...I see!! I will never got tired looking at him!! and giggles like a madmen... because this boy.... is mine.... hohohoho... yes!!! Yes !!!! YESSSSS!!!! he is mine!!! Yu now is Sam's!!! my boyfriend!!! mine!! mine!! mine!!!


"You always be the lucky one!! always.. forever!!"
I whispered Gao Shi De line to Zhou Shu Yi, or my Yu's.


Ok... but I have to take my word back!!! I was so sleepy right now, not that I was tired to looking at him, well I mean I'm physically exhausted too..... hoaaammmm..... I so sleepy.... sorry Yu I can't be your Ironman, but I love you 3000!!
I lay next to him.... hmmm... I repeat my own scene did I?? sleep next to him while he was sick and sleep while hugging him.... he so huggingable!!! so comfortable to be held!! hmmm.. my Yu's!!! mine... mine... mine


"Love you Yu!!!"





Well... well... well...
is there any one waiting for my updated...
(if there any???)
I'm dear sorry....
hah.... my life is just like in the deep shit, so it's a little hard to lift my mood
but at least I can finish this chapter even after this long hiatus...
hope you all still can enjoyed ❤️

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