Silence Adore

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⚠️🔞Warning adult scene🔞⚠️

Oh... God!!! This guys is way too cute!!! His cuteness is destructive!!! He was so obedient kids, his silence is so adorable!!!


I kiss his lips and playing with his tongue, and he still stay still following my move and don't give any resistant to my forcefully kiss, he just following my lead without any objections.
I really love him!!!
Where you can find an adorable cute guy like him???


I started to remove his clothes, and I can see he tensed, but my Yu still quite and obedient, he not open his eyes, like I told him, and don't give me any resistance. He just stay still, even I can see he scared and feel insecure, the way he grips his hand told me everything!!! Aahhh...!!! This is why I cannot hold my self to not fall in love with him!!! He just too adorable, if any ones, see him like now, I don't thinks there any human being can resist his lovely charm!!! They will fall like I did!!! Fall deep in love with him.


I stripes all his clothes, now he was bare naked in front of me like a baby, and you know how exquisite this view right now? Ahhh... His pale skin with a red stains proof of his shyness..... His delicate skin glowing under the lights, aahhh his perfect nose and that chin of him!!! I want to kiss it!! So I start to kissing him from his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his lips, his chin, and coming down to his neck and his collar bone... Yu whining... I know he got aroused... So I trails my tongue to his hilt... And suck it hard.


"It's hurt.....Sam... ahhh..."yes!!! Yu... Moan and his voice while calling my name is so... Ahh you turn me on even more Yu!!


"Yu.... Just trust me and follow my lead ok? Hem!"

"Ah... Hmmm..." He voice is so sweet and lovely, aahh God!!! My beast is rampage and start to ask for more!!! They just need to claim him, own him!!! Aarrrgggg my possession is want to brust out from my pans, shit it's hurt like hell I need to open my pans!!


So just like a hulk, I tore all my clothes, I don't care what kind of brand that I used, my inner lust just can't hold anymore, I just need to claim this beautiful radiant creatures in front of me as soon as I can!!


I crawled naked on the top of Yu, I can see how tensed he was, my fingers trails in his delicate skin, make him jolt and aroused, his possession is hard, not as hard as mine but it's make me know that he turn on like I do, just in my case I was inflames!!!! My lust is burning inside my head, turn me into a beast!!


His face and his ear turn dark red, he shy, he close his eyes hard, try not no peek what I was doing to him, aaahhhh CUTE!!! I want to teased him, but I don't think this fellow of mine can hold anymore, arrrggg I so crazy over him.
Ok, let's start it Yu!!!


Lesson 1 : Don't trust too easily Yu!!! Not even to me!!


I lick his abdomen skin, trail down to his inner thigh... Yu jolt over and over, try to covering his mouth, prevented him self to cry out loud, I can hear his heart beats, dum-dum-dum.... Just like a drums of war, he never had experience with any man, I know he scared, but he was born as a good boy, he obedient and do everything that I told him like a little lamb. Yah!!! That's way too cute you're Yu!!!
I touch the tips of his erection...

"Ammmmpp...." He can't hold his moan... Yes Yu give some more... You will shouting my name out loud!!!

Next step Yu... I lick his possession...
"Mmmm!!! S-S-a-m...." He shutting my name... His hand gripping hard his bed sheets... Yes Yu call my name!! Cry my name!!! Ahhh
I open my mouth and swallow what was him, lick it and suck it like a lollypop....
"Hmmm!!! Mmmmppp!!!" Yu try to hold his cry, he scared, I can feel it, his body trembling his hand gripping even harder to his bed sheets!!

"Relax... Yu... Trust me...." I smiled with most evil smile...
"It's just a beginning!!! I will do a lot more nasty thing to you my sweet Yu!!" Ahhh shit!!! He really don't have limits of the cuteness!!! He just frown, and tilt his head to the side... Try to understand what I mean.... Just learn Yu!! This is the lesson of life! Don't trust too easily Yu!!! If you do.. this what will happen to you, sweetie!

Ok next step Yu! I lift his leg, spreading it to the both side, Yu can't be obedient anymore he want to resist my actions... So I push him down to his bed, hold his hand and cover his eyes!! I can't see his eyes!!! If I do I will surrendered to him right now right here! His eyes is too powerful! An honest cristal clear eyes!

"Yang Yu Teng... Are you trust me?? Can you bear with me a little bit more? Hm??" I whisper my husky voice near his ear.

"Hmmm... I'm... I'm scared ...  Sam...."he said with his tremble sweet voice.

"Just relax and trust me... Ok?? Will you do that for me? Closed you eyes... And relax... Ok Yu??"

"Mmm..." He give his small nod. Ok! That's my permission!!!

"Take a deep breath Yu!!" And he did... So I trusting my fingers to his enterance!!!!

"HHHHMMMPPPPPP!!!!! SAMMM!! it's hurt"

"Relax Yu I take a lot lubricant... You will adjust with me in a while"

"W-what?? Aaaaahhh.... Sam... Hmmm... Aaah"
He cry... Argh.... His tear.... I love it, to be honest I not really patients with Yu.... My inner lust already take control of me, and his tear turn me on even more!!! Agh man! I'm crazy bastard did I? I try to suppress my own will!! I just want to screw him right now!! Make him cry in mess.

But I love him, I don't want to hurt him, and my love is the winning over my lust, so I keep preparing him, stretch him until he ready to excepted all of me, all of my love... Let him adjust in a while... Let's him feel the pleasure not only the pain.

I kiss his lips... "Yu.... I love you so much...."

To... Be... Continue....


I got very busy right now, just today I get my day off so I just can update this crack ff of mine...
Yup here we go again 18+ scenes
Just bear with me ok?

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