Silent Crush

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Damn.... My butt hurt so much! What the hell I just heard? He want to came to my house? Sleep over? Man!!! That's cute creature really don't have self awareness!!! Like a little lamb asking for sleeps on the wolf den!!!
Dammit Yu!! Please aware of yourself!!! Not just females fans who enchanted by his cuteness!!! But even us his coworker, always said how cute he was!!! Lou lou is his big fans, Yu just not aware of it!!
I never meet someone have this natural cuteness like him before, his shy shy is so cute, his smile just like a baby, he just like a little rabbit with a big doe eyes, and clinging to you with his cute behaviour, how you resistant that kind of cuteness?? Even his fans declared him as a national wife??? Everyone 'Lao po' what is it? Lao po??? Wife than handsome brother??? Really??? Wife? He is a man! How come a girl call him a wife???? Well I want a wife like him for sure!! So cute to keep him on your room... Hehehe... Cuddle with him all days will be so nice, his tummy is so soft, his skin is so pale and soft...QQ... So soft.... Ahhh... Miss him!! I really really miss him!
That's it!! I will go to his house and cuddle with him all night! Let's go Sam!! Let's go my self go to your wife!! Or I hope he will be my wife someday....


"Zi Hong! Ah come in" aaahhhhhh.... My wife using an aprron!! He look like a real cute wife!
"Yu... You're cooking??"
"Ah... Yes... I made us a dinner, fried rice... Hehe like always, is that ok?" Of course wife ❤️❤️
"Yes, sure sorry to bother you"
"Nah... Not at all!! Put your luggage there Sam" so I do put all my belonging near his sofa, then when I turn myself to him.....
Aaahhh God!!! Is he even a human? Or anime character??? Why he can be this cute?? Why?
He standing there open his arm and smiling cutely and provide me with a warm welcome hug??? How can I say no to this kind of love??
So I merge with his warm embrace, smell his lovely fragrance, and let him spoiled me!
He cares my back and hug me tightly!!! I know he want to tell me that everything is will be alright... Tell me that he was here with me... I feel so warm and touched!! A warm tear just escape from the corner of my eyes...

I love him!!!
I love him!!!
I love him!!!


"Sam!! I will be with you, so don't be sad, ok? Are you alright?? Daijobu?? You can tell me everything If you want an ear to hear, but it's also alright if you don't want to talk about it, I still can hug you like now, I will do everything for you, Sam"


Yuuuuuu!!!!! Damn!!!! Yu!!! Damn!!! I already fall so hard for you!!! And you still manage to make me fall even deeper??? Aaaahhhh.... Why he was this lovely??? Why he so soft and comfortable to hug? Why he's smell so good? Why he this nice to me??
I can't control my emotions... My tear starts to fall tremendously... So I hug him more tightly, and he caress my back, this feel like home... With him I feel like home, he make me comfort in every ways, he make me feel secure.


Tell me what I should do with my eruption of love for him? I want to hold it back, because I want him to be with me for a long time, but, still this kind of emotions inside my chest will be exploded any time!!! I need to do something about it, aahhhhh..... Yu!!! Yu! My Yu!!


"Daijobu?? Are you alright??"
"Huh?? Yes... I feel better now..." I think he want to ask me if I can let him go because, right now I was hug him tightly.
"Hmmm... Let's eat??" He so kind, he won't tell me directly to me to let go my arm around him, he's so cute.


We have a dinner... Yu favourite fried rice, I not hungry for food, I was hungry for him, his kindness, his cuteness, his present, his smile, all of him, make me want to eat all of him!


"Yu let's watch our series, while we eat?"
"Okay." like always his answer is always short.
I focus look at him than watching our series, sometimes our eyes meet each other, and he will
Tease me, asking what I looked at, but after it he will smile shyly.... So cute....


Ow!!! Ep. 5 our hot kiss scene, uh oh... That's won't go well with my heart!!! Wogh.... I want to feel his soft lips again... Can't I?? It's so sweet... How to make him, let me kissing him?
"I want to kiss you..."
"Can't I??"
"Hmmm...o - okay..."
"??? 😳 What??? Okay?? Okay?? Okay for me to kiss you????!!!"
"Hu-uh" he just nodded
"Hu-uh??? Yuuuuu....!!!!" This creatures is so destructive!! How come he said 'hu-uh', when your friends suddenly ask for kiss?? At lips??? Is this right? Why he can take it so lite? Okay!!! I don't care, I just want to taste that lips!!
"Okay, can you close you eyes, Yu!" Please breath my self!!
"Okay...." That's my Yu, he so obedient, close his eyes Infront of me with out any defence, he not aware of his persona at all!!
Okay Yu! This Sam will teach you, to be more careful!! Don't be too nice like a innocent rabbit!


I take a deep breath, and try to calm my self, he just there Infront of me... I want him!! But... I not sure, is this right?? Did I take an advantage of his innocence's??
There a big war in my head right now, at the one side, I really want to claim him... Kiss him.... Own him...
And at the other side I scared to lose him, scared to hurt him, scared to wake up and realized that all of this is just a dream, scared that when I was awake, we just a stranger...


I touch his face, my hand is trembling... I close my lips to him, his warm breath touch my skin, ahhh... This is my love.... Gently I press my lips against his lips... Aaahhhh... He so sweet... I started to kiss him more... Licking his lips, and.. and.... dammit Yu!!!!!! He give me an access to his cavity, so I just take this opportunity, and licking wet his lips, and deepen our kiss, like always... Yu give the same response.... And give back with his hot kiss, playing with our tongues, our kiss is sloppy and slippery! It's so hot and passionate... I love this, I don't want to end it, it's even much much more better feel than when we kiss for the series....


Aaahhhhh... Yu!!!! Yu!!! I love you, can't I just keep this feeling I have for you?? I will just a Silence Crush over you! I love you so much my cute Yu....
How I have to do, so I can control this huge emotions?? This big crush over you, Yu??!!! Just push me, and tell me to get lost!! So I can kill  this Love over you, Yu!!!
I just fall in love with you too hard!!
I love you, Yu!
I crazy for you, Yu!!
I silence crush for you, Yu!!!
My Yu!!!!
My Love!!!!


Okay.... I really like the 2nd season of WBL, fighting mr.2nd, Yu acting skills is impressively
Improved... Bravo 👏👏
And I really think the real Yu is so damn cute!
Kawaiiii so....
Hahahhaha, can't wait for next Friday

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