Exquisite Yu

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His typical 'hmmm' like always... Yu just get up from his slumber..
"Welcome back sleeping beauty... Yang Yu Teng, you sleep very long, you know..."


"Hmmm?? Sam??"


Ok! this silent don't mean anything good!! don't tell me he forget what we just did last night??

"Hei Yu!"

"Ah.... Sam ... yes Sam..... mmmmhm..."

"Ano..... Last night??"

"Eh-heh!! it's happening Yu! it's not a dream!!"

"Ahhh ... so... ka..."


Yup!! another silence mode... he really love this this mode I guess?? everything happens, he then turn his silence mode on!! what should I do then Yu.... this is awkward!!!  I have so much things I want to tell you, but.... I don't know what to say, you just silence, I don't know what to start... give me some opening Yu.... come on... Yu!! I literally screaming at my head...



"You go first Yu..."

"Ah.... ara.... ano..... ne.... Sam.... hmmm.... Sam..."

"Ahhhh... hhhhmmm... mmmm... it's.... that hmm..."

"Ok.... take your time Yu... you can tell me slowly... ok?"

"Ehemmm... ok!" he just take a deep breath... how cute looking his shy baby mode on, he red ear to ear.... kawaiii.....

"Ne ... ne ... Sam.... can I..... can I .... hmmm...."

"Yessss????" I don't know what he want to tell me, after that crazy exotic night we had.... but I have a bad hunch....

"Ne ... hmmm.... Sam... can you..... "
Ok! that it, i have bad fillings about this, I think it's time for me to take control back!!

"Hei... Yu... you know..."

"Ne Sam!!!"


"Ne... ne... Sam ..."why his voice sound so cheerful?? what he want?

"Ne... Sam!!! LET'S ME DO YOU!!!"

Ok!! that's it!!! that my bad fillings all about!!! what the hell!!!! that's can't be happen YU!!! you know??? you do me??? NO!!! AA!! not going to happen baby!!! not in my life time!!!


Ok!! I'm being unfair here!! we both men, so if he let me do him, so I have to let's him do me??? BUTTTTTT....!!!!!!!! Aaaarrrggghhhhh...... this can't be true???? how come me Sam being bottom??? No way??? Right??? aaaarrrggghhhhh......
my mind is fighting them self!!!!

"Ne..... Sam??? can't I???" Yu asking me with his puppy eyes.... and he look worry and sad also... oh no Sam!!! you can't be that egoist!!

".............. hmmm....oooooo....kay......."

"Aaahhhh!!! really Sam??? thanks you!! that night is the best night!!! I never know sex can be that great...."

Hhhhmmmm??? great??? yesterday night is great??? I almost think that Yu will be traumatic by his first night getting laid....
Well ... I must confess I was a beasts yesterday, He make me lost control on my own lust!! his cuteness turn me into wild beast!!!

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