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~Suga's pov~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear, swiftly, I swing my legs out of bed and switch of the alarm before grabbing my uniform and jump in the shower. Ten minutes later I'm out the door and running my way to practice with my shoes untied and my jacket in my hand. As soon as I enter school grounds I spot the team waiting outside the gym with annoyed looks on their faces. It was my night to lock up yesterday so I also I had the job of unlocking today, so getting out the house late was not a good start. I come to a holt i from of them and bowed my head,"I'm sorry to keep you waiting! I didn't mean to be-" I was cut off by a hand being placed on my shoulder, "Sugawara Koushi quite apologising and let us in the gym. We'll talk about this later." A stern voice spoke I look up to see Daichi standing over me, when I did so he began to look concerned and so did the rest of the team. I give a small smile while pulling the key out of my pocket before pushing the males hand off of me and running over to the door, opening it and waiting as the team run in and start setting up. Everyone but two people had gone through, I could tell because I counted how many paired of feet walked past my own as I starred at the floor. I look bad to see Daichi and Asahi stood looking at me. I let the door swing shut and walk over to them after shouted at the team telling them we would be there in a few minutes. The two  taller males continued to look at me as I set my heavy,over packed bag on the ground next to the door a walked over to them. "Suga what's wrong?" Daichi, my boyfriend of a year and a half asked. I didn't reply, the only thing I did was pull out my phone open an app and shove it toward Asahi. What I had opened was my family chat from last night. The reason I had stayed up so late was because I was crying and trying my best to pack as much stuff as I could into my small school bag while ending up having to use my gym bag as well. My parents had found out about mine and Daichi's relationship and were not happy about it at all. They are currently out of town on a business trip but they were coming back tonight. They told me if they saw me in their house when the got back they would physically "teach me a lesson" as well as get a restraining order against Daichi that was when I knew I had to leave that family and never EVER go back.

I look at the two most trusted people in my life and see them whispering and pointing out certain thing to each other on my phone. My best friend and boyfriend are the only people I have now. Of course, there is the team but I don't trust them as much as I do these two. I've been friends with Asahi since the 5th year of school and I've known Daichi since the 6th so I trust them both with a lot of things, this was one of them. The two of them had been there when my parents found out I was gay and that didn't go well but they helped me through it and we ended up settling on not telling my parents about any of our relationships. You see Asahi is Nishinoya's boyfriend and they are both happy with each other and I'm glad as I was the one that got them together in the first place. Daichi's parents are excepting of us all and let me say whenever my parents are away as long as they know in advance so they can everything sorted for two teenagers instead of one, this time I said I could manage because it was only for a few days and normally it's for two to three weeks.

"Suga, I just want to let you know that you both can come to my place after school my parents won't mind and I think it's best if we get into practice" Daichi says before coming over and hugging me, I hug back for a few seconds then pull away and let him go into the gym. I smile up at Asahi before we both laugh about what Daichi has bluntly said without letting either of us get a work in before walking into the gym. I smile my well known smile at the team when they stop what they're doing as we walk in, "I'm fine you guys get back to practice!" I shout before running to put my stuff in the club room. While in there I get myself looking sort of presentable as I know coach is coming in this morning to talk to us third years and I don't want to make a bad impression on him this far into the year. While walking back to the gym I spot Yachi and Kiyoko heading the same way as me. I smile and wave before running into the gym and looking for something to keep myself busy with. It's then I spot Nishinoya and Kagayama arguing over god knows what, I run over and try to break them up, " guys stop fighting! We have a practice match coming up so you need to be able to perform your best and the only way you'll do that is by training! Not fighting! Get back to  what you were doing and leave each other alone." They look at me in surprise but nod in response. The tall dark haired first year runs off to practice with Hinata but the small second year stays put on the spot, not moving an inc which is concerning considering the fact that he never sits still, "Noya is something wrong?" I ask while looking at him, noticing he was breathing pretty heavy, "Noya? You ok?"  I ask this time getting a response out of him, he shakes his head before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the gym before I can say a word in  protest. Looks like I'm not practicing today.

Once outside he lets go of my arm, "Suga i need your help, I would ask Asahi but I don't think he'll react well" he explains while looking up at me. I nod before sitting down against the wall and patting the space beside me  telling him to sit down, which he did, "what do you need help with? I'm open for just about anything!" I say cheerfully knowing Noya was going through the same thing as me with his parents  but on a higher scale. He sighs which was strange for him and slightly worrying, "My parents they're getting abusive again...." he looks at the ground but I can still make out the tears rolling down his cheeks. This boy was tough around others but this is what he's really like, he's scared of people you know, because his parents and past friends were so bad to him. I honestly feel so bad for him, he's the sweetest kid I've met and he would never do anything to be rude to anyone or anything.

~Nishinoya's pov~
"My parents are getting abusive again...." I tell Suga as tears start to fall from my burning eyes. I feel something shift beside me before seeing him run back into the gym. I started crying harder thinking he didn't care, no one would care if suga didn't care, he's suga he's the only one who does care! I pull my knees up and hide my face, not wanting to see any of my teammates or have them see me like this. I hear footsteps heading towards me before hearing Suga's voice, "there" he says I look up a little bit to see Asahi and suga standing near me I duck my head back down before the can see me looking. I feel a hand on my leg and try to move away, "Ok, ok I won't touch if it's like that" I hear a soft voice say as the hand is removed. Slowly I look up, still crying and biting at my lip to stop myself saying anything stupid, to see Asahi bent down in-front of me with a soft but concerned smile on his face,how could my parents expect me to not love this? I want to hug him but I don't want to be touched. I want his comfort but I can't have it when I'm like this. I hate myself. I hate everything. My parents. My body. My everything. Me! I start crying harder and hide my face again, I can't ever look at him, he's so caring, so kind, so gentle, so loving, so....perfect.....unlike me.
"Asahi..." I manage to get out through choked out sobs and crying, "I know, I know just breath Noya I'm here, you're alright, no-one's gonna hurt you. Quiet baby, nothing's going to happen" I do as he says, I breath, I calm down and I slow my tears to almost a stop. I look up at him and this time I don't hold myself back, I hug him like the world would end if I didn't. He hug back while rubbing my back. I hear footsteps and look over his shoulder before seeing coach behind him, "shit" I whisper before trying to hide myself behind the third year.
"What's going on here then?" Coach Ukai asks startling Asahi who lets go of me and stands up before helping me to my feet. This could go terribly.

~Asahi's pov~

Shoot! Yes coach Ukai knows me and Noya are dating but that doesn't mean nothing could go wrong. "I'm sorry coach, me and Nishinoya were just talking as he isn't having a good day" I say while rubbing the back of my neck, the coach slowly nods, "alright man bun go back and practice, shorty come talk to me" I nod before looking down at a still crying Noya who nods as well and we go our separate ways. But not until coach tells me that the third year meeting is cancelled.

~Daichi's pov~
Asahi comes back in but no Noya making me worry, hey this is my team I care about them. I jog over to the tall boy and we talk about what had happened before telling suga and kiyoko about what's happening. I'm was gonna let suga stop at mine tonight but now I might just let Asahi and Noya stay as well because 1, I don't want Noya around his parents and 2, why not have your friends over?

Practice ended and then the day went by as normal. At the end of the day us three third years and the energetic second year meet at the gate and start walking to my house.

Hey guys so I got bored and wrote this!
Took me about 4 hours and the word count is 1934 hope everyone likes it 💚🖤

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