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-nishinoyas pov-
-7:05am at Daichi's house-
I wake up to the sun shining through the slightly open curtains and on to my face, quickly looking away and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I place one hand on the strong arms that at wrapped around my torso. I smile and pick up my phone, noticing a Snapchat sent to me by Suga, at about two in the morning. Nothing new, I'm used to late night texts from the setter whenever he couldn't sleep or was too scared to sleep because something had happened. I suppose he was just struggling to sleep since he's with Asahi. Nothing bad could have happened over there. Well I don't think anything bad could happen. However, when I open the message and I'm slightly shocked.

SugababeNoya I don't know if you're up but I need advice. I'm panicking. Like A LOT. Basically Asa walking in on me shirtless earlier and I have bruises and stuff on my upper body. I refused to tell him what happened to me but I'm starting to think I should. So my question is, how in the universe do I tell Asahi that my brother beat me and did some other bad shit to me two days ago? Pls give me some sort of answer I'm about to loose it. For real. Anyway, hope you sleep well. Love you, see you when I see you♡

I quickly check if Daichi is still asleep, which he is, before typing out an answer. Sure I'm worried and concerned about him, but I want to help Suga as much as possible if he's struggling with something.

Me: hey Suga, I wasn't up and I just saw this. If you want to tell him, my advice is to do it in a way that you're comfortable and in a situation where you both feel comfortable. He won't judge or be mad at you, he'll just want to help as much as he can, so don't worry about getting hurt or anything. And remember that getting upset is completely 100% okay. But the main thing is make sure you know what you're saying, don't make anything up (not saying you would ever do that) and just tell the whole truth. Try not to panic or worry about it tho, I'm 99.999% positive that nothing bad is going to happen. Sure a few tears may be shed, but that's the worse that will happen, and like is said, that's completely okay. Hope you slept well and had a good night, love ya ≤3

I put my phone down and turn around in Daichi's grip so I'm facing the older male's chest. I wrap my arms around him as best I can and snuggle into him, using the time he's asleep as precious cuddle time. Even though it's a Saturday, I feel like something could happen today so I'm getting this time in now. You never know what's going to happen round here.

-Diachis pov-

I wake up to find Nishinoya in my arms, something I wasn't expecting if I'm being completely honest. I was wearing a tank top and gym shorts, the other was wearing similar shorts but with a quarter length sleeve shirt instead, obviously not intending to show his arms. I suddenly felt the small arms that where wrapped around me tighten their grip slightly and small shaking against my chest. Gently, I run my hand over the small boy's naturally fluffy hair. "Noya? You doing okay?" After the words left my mouth, I felt the other shake his head. "What's the matter? Has something happened that has upset you?" The answer I get is muffled but still understandable. "Kinda.. I'm worried about Suga" "how come? Has something happened, Noya?" the other nods. "He texted me at like two, and I only just saw it, apparently he got beat up and worse by his brother the other day..." He what!? Why didn't he tell me?! He was probably scared... That's why. "I'm sure he's completely fine with Asahi, he'll look after him. I don't think we have anything to worry about while he's over there. You and me both know Asahi wouldn't hurt a fly, and besides, I bet you anything in the world that Suga is being pampered like some kind of royalty right now." When I say this the younger male laughs lightly. That's good. I really don't want any of us to be upset at the moment. I think we've all been through enough these part few days, and we don't need any more of that. I smile slightly when the other shifts in my arms to look at my face. "Why hello there kind sir" the libero says with a stupid smile on his face. He leans up and kisses my chin, not being able to move any further up in my grip. I chuckle lightly, making the other huff. "Okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry. Hello to you too, Noya" the boy's fake tantrum disappears. "That's much better, well done old man" old man? "Old? If I'm old then this is a crime, Nishi" the other thinks for a second. "Well then, I'm calling the cops on you! You're going to jail!" I laugh and role on to my back, pulling the small, almost weightless male on top of me, our chests presses together. We both smile as Nishinoya leans forward and connects our foreheads, I place a hand on his cheek. "Dai...you know you're very handsome" my smile grows slightly at the words of the shorter. "Well, did you know you're very pretty, Nishinoya" the other pulls away from me, looking slightly shocked and a little flustered. "No one has ever said that before...do you really think that?" I nod my head. The other cuddles into me. "Thanks Dai...you know, I really appreciate little things like that, they mean a lot to me and help with my confidence quite a bit too..." I stroke the others hair, God this kid, I swear, he's one of the most chaotic people I know around others. Where on earth did this side of him come from? "Aw, Noya you don't need to thank me. But I'll make sure to keep that in mind, okay? For whenever I notice something is off about you." The other nods and nuzzles my chest, lightly griping my shirt. He's adorable.

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