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~Daichi's pov~
The truth is I had woken up just before Asahi had gotten up, I knew Suga wasn't in the bed but he does tend to get up in the night and look through his phone or read a book so I wasn't entirely bothered. I had listened to the two boys talk about everything. I heard every word from each of them. I didn't dare get up and confront them though. They were good people and I know they would never they to hurt me and Nishinoya but I couldn't help but think they something going on that we didn't know about. Like are they secretly still seeing each over in that way? What Koushi had said, "we haven't been talking as much lately.... I guess I started missing you, so I've looking at these for ages, just staring at them. Asahi...I kinda miss those days ya know..." that kept ringing in my head, especially that last part. He misses those days. He had to be referring to when they were dating. Right?
Ugh! Daichi this is stupid! Neither of them would ever cheat on anyone! They're the purest people ever(not when they do the deed...I'ma head out) they would never want to hurt our feeling! I lowly realised I was now crying slightly. I sigh before slowly and gently moving the smaller boy so I could get up. I walked into my attached bathroom closing the door and switching on the light, not wanting to sleep any longer, I turn on the tap of the sink and slash the cold water on my face. When I was sure there was no longer any sign I had been crying I turn off the water before deciding that there was no use wasting time and that I should have a shower now so that the others can later.
I switched on the hot water before sliding my clothes of and placing them on the counter read to up back on when I was finished . I slowly step into the shower feeling the warm water on my cold skin. It was soothing yet slightly the opposite at the same time, but it didn't bother me. As time passed I realised I had gotten caught up in my thoughts.
You know what, Asahi can't have Suga even if he wanted him back. He was the one who broke up with him and he had his chance. Suga is mine and only mine. His smile. His face. His body. His-  "Daichi what the fuck?! No you can't think those things! You know Suga isn't comfortable with....that" I whisper shout to myself before realising I had a little problem down there "shit" I muttered under my breath before glancing at the small portable clock by the sing and see that it's 4:47am . I guess I have time to fix this... and if I didn't I'm guessing I would get a lot of questions thrown at me when the others wake up. I slowly and hesitantly start to fix my....problems.

~Nishinoya's pov~
I woke up to the sound of running water and groans...strange.  I look beside me to see Asahi asleep facing away from be before looking over at Daichi's bed only to see he wasn't there, just a sleeping Sugawara lost in dream land. I get up and walk towards the bathroom door and pressing my ear against it. I could hear the groans more clearly now and they were also accompanied by moans. I could tell it was Daichi by the deep tone of voice. I did NOT want to see that man jacking off so I slowly stepped back only to trip and fall right on to Suga who woke with a squeak looking over at me. I apologise and explain what had happened. He got up and walked over to the bathroom door and opening it slightly, it was then when I heard quite a loud groan come from the male in the shower. "Fucking hell you where right" the team mom says I nod my head and look at time on my phone, 5:20 wonder how long he's been in there.
Hey hey hey(😏) here's a bit of ✨spice✨ for yall I don't know yet but I might write a bonus at the end of this story of a daisuga smut chapter and a asanoya smut chapter.
Anyway the lovely yet low word count is 767
I will see ya in the next one 😊✌️

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