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-holaaaa I'm alive and it's not like 3am! I'm actually doing soming st a reasonable time of day! Dang I must be sick or something-
Time skip to lunch because I cannnn-
-Asahis pov-

I walked out of the main school building and spot my fri-...boyfriends sat on the grass under a tree, using their blazers as blankets to put their lunch on. I start walking over to them, keeping my head down so my face was hidden by my hair, which was completely down, and prey that no one rude sees or notices me.
I quickly make it over to the three shorter boys and sit beside Daichi. I push my hair behind my ear and out of my face, before putting my bag down in front of me. "Where have you been? We've already been here for ten minutes, I was starting to worry" Sugawara asks, I look at the boy sat in-front of  me, an awkward smile on my face. "My English teacher kept me back to lecture me about how I need to focus on class instead of sports..." I slowly open my bag and take out my water as I speak, noticing a note attached to it. "That's bull crap!" The youngest and shortest of us says, well more like shouts, receiving a small nudge from the silver haired male next to him. I hear Daichi laugh lightly next to me as I take the note and read it.

Dear Asahi,
                         make sure you take your meds before you eat, I packed them in the bottom of your bag. I hope you have a lovely day with your friends and tell me if you have plans tonight.
with love, nana :)

Shoot! This must have been from yesterday! I start too dig through my bag for the blue, plastic container my meds are kept in and eventually find it, noticing that the pills inside were slightly broken. Probably from throwing your bag in your locker before practice. That was a little stupid. God do they have to comment on everything? "Hey, are those prescription?" The brunette next to me whispers, getting a small nod from me as I quickly take the pills with a swig of water.
"Can I borrow someone's phone?" I ask quietly, making the three males avert their attention to me, which wasn't the best if I'm being honest. "Uh sure," suga says while handing me his phone, "why do you need it?" I take the phone and give him a small smile. "I need to call my nana...she'll be worried about me I never said anything about last night to her.." "oh, yea you better call her" I smile at suga and get up, walking just a little ways away from the group before calling my nana.
Nana: hello? Who is this?
Asahi: it's Azumane nan, I'm using my friends phone
Nana: Azumane! Where have you been! I've been worried sick!
Asahi: I know..I know..I was at my friends house last night, you remember Daichi, yeah?
Nana: yes I remember him, but you should have told me young man
Asahi: I know, I'm sorry, I'll be home tonight, is it alright if I come home a little late though? I have practice and then I wanted to stay with my friends for a little while
Nana: oh go on then, but be home before 9:30 or I'm telling your mother about this.
Asahi: point taken, I'll see you later

I hang up and walk back to the others, giving Sugawara his phone and sitting down. 
We sat and had our lunches, talking about random things. I kept kind of quiet but that wasn't out of the ordinary for me, so no one thought anything of it.

-skip to after school+practice -
-Sugas pov-

We were walking to Daichi's place and I noticed Asahi walking slightly behind us, so I decided to grab his hand, making him look at me. I give him my signature smile and he blushes lightly. "You alright Asahi? You haven't been talking or anything" I say, earning a small sigh. "Yea I'm fine..try not to worry about me, Kō.." I'm a little bit unsure is he was lying or not but I just nod and we continue walking. I was still worried about him, but I just wouldn't let that show. I knew he'd get annoyed if I did, he told me not to so I shouldn't. That's how that works. That's what I've always done. With everyone. So it must be how it works.

-idk what else to write so here's this, I might write the next chapter soon so yea-

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