9: Birdbath

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Under normal circumstances, I was the one who woke my dad up. Today it was nearly seven o'clock before my dad yelled up the stairs to see if I was alive. Effectively thrown into a panic, I was ready in a sum total of four and a half minutes, granola bar crinkling in my pocket. I walked into the classroom exactly fifteen minutes late, thoroughly crushing my perfect attendance for the year.

When the class was over, Toby made his way up next to me.
"You were late."

"Let's just say I shouldn't make a habit of visiting Alfred 'til the wee hours of the morning."

He bit his lip, a smile dancing in his eyes.

"What now?"

"Your socks don't match."

"What? You've got to be kidding me!" He started laughing.
"Don't you dare tell anyone." I tugged my jeans down a bit more to make sure my ankles were hidden.

"And where's the fun in that?" I glared at him. "Alright, alright! My lips are sealed." He pretended to zip his lips closed.

"Well, I've got Tourism now. See ya later."

"Mmm, mmm mm m mmmmm." He waved, and turned down the hall. I jogged the rest of the way to class, not wanting to risk being late again.


I finally had a friend. We hung out nearly every day, eventually ditching the pretense of studying. He was always making me laugh, and I was starting to feel something I had never felt before. When I was washing dishes, I was wishing he was there so that I could smear bubbles on his face. Maestro Brown started to look more and more like Toby. Everywhere I turned I saw something that reminded me of him.

I think I was falling in love.

But a Toby could never know that. That would ruin everything. I was willing to stay friends, as long as we could stay friends. That was enough for me. But that doesn't mean I couldn't dream...

It was a Friday afternoon, and Toby and I were going swimming in the lake at the Commons. The day wasted away, turns between splash fights and staring at clouds, ice cream and climbing trees. Before I knew it, it was dark and all the shops had closed down for the night. Other than us, the place was almost deserted. Neither of us had a thought of leaving.

Toby was back in the water, and I was staring--cough, watching-- him from the tree. He kept diving under, then coming back up as if he was looking for something and couldn't quite reach it. Finally he came up with something in his hand. He motioned for me to come, and, my curiosity piqued, I swam over to him.

"What is it?"

"Oh, you'll never believe it." He held his hand over it so I couldn't see.

"C'mon, just show me."

"Oh alright." He sighed, uncovered his hand, and before I could fully register what was happening, my face was covered in mud.

"Toby Parsard, you are disgusting!" I laughed, and wiped some of the mud off my cheek and smeared it right down the middle of his face, ending with my fingers on his chest. Time seemed to slow. He caught me up in his arms, and I was suddenly aware of how close my face was to his.
"Toby?" My voice shook.


"You might need to edit your Ester-inary..."

"You changed your dragon name?"

"No, Toby. I care..." And then his lips were on mine. But not long enough to enjoy it, because as soon as our lips made contact, a searing pain ripped across my back. The pain was so intense, I couldn't even manage a scream. It was unlike anything ever before. By the thrashing beside of me, it seemed Toby was experiencing the same thing. I lost control over my body and started to sink. I felt Toby grab my arm and slowly pull us both to shallower water. Soon I felt the sand under me, and after a while, the pain numbed. I lay on my side staring at Toby. He spoke in an exhausted whisper.

"I know they say a first kiss is magical, but I really was not expecting that."

Somehow he still managed to make me smile. I tried to sit up, but it felt like I was wearing a full backpack. The episode must have really zapped my strength. Next to me I heard Toby gasp.

"What?" He pointed behind me. I turned, but saw nothing. He sat up, and I nearly fainted.

"Me too?" His voice squeaked. I nodded. Carefully I moved closer and reached out. My fingers brushed against the feathers. They were real. And shaking. That's when my brain recognized new muscles to try out. This time I turned my neck only, and I could see them.

Too beautiful blue wings stretched out behind me, still dripping water.

"What on earth has happened to us, Toby?"

"I don't know, but I know who will."

I looked at him and nodded. "My dad."

"What? No, my aunt."

"Your aunt?"

"Miss Jeffery."

"Miss Jeffery is your aunt?"

"Yeah... But one thing's for certain. We need to get out of here."

Somehow we managed to get our wings hidden, thanks to a combination of jackets, towels, and huddling. We hurried to Toby's house, since it was closer. We knocked on the door and Miss Jeffery opened up. When she saw us standing there, she quickly pulled us inside and slammed the door.


"No, I think you should explain." We were shedding our layers, and the wings were now in open view.

Miss Jeffery sighed. "Just give me a minute. I need to call Mr Erstwhyl."

"Wait, my dad doesn't need to know about this." I could only imagine the heart attack finding out his daughter has wings would give him.

"Well, he is going to be upset you broke the spell early, but if you're talking about the bird part, he knows." She dialed his number and stepped out of the room.

"My dad knows about all this?" I turned to Toby. He shrugged.

"Turn around." I complied, and I could feel him gently touching my wing.

"It seems unreal, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. I'm still not completely convinced it is." He ran his fingers down until they found where the feathers met skin. My wings shook, filled with a tingling feeling, and I stepped away.
"I guess I just found a new tickle spot." He grinned. I spun around and backed up.

"Don't even think about it."

"Oh, I'm thinking about it all right!" My wings hit the wall and I was forced to stop. He caught my arms and we stood there, too scared to move closer yet unwilling to let go.

"I'm guessing it was behavior like this that broke the spell." We spun around to face Miss Jeffery, who had just re-entered the room. I looked at my feet to hide my blush.
"Your dad will be here in a second, Ester, and then we can explain everything. I'd offer you some dry clothes, but I'm afraid my only low-backed item is an evening gown. If you guys would like something to drink, get it now, and I'll fetch some stools." With that she left again.

I looked to Toby. "Follow me." He led me to the kitchen and started to make us hot chocolate. I had to giggle at how much he knocked things over in the more crowded space. After I caught a mug he accidentally shoved off the counter, I offered to help.

"Here," I flattened his wings down and reached for the kettle.

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