2: Cookies

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  • Dedicated to Limpho Malope

If I had to vote for the Best Invention Ever award, I'm pretty sure it would be cookies. Or books. But cookies come a close second.

I grabbed a cookie as I walked through the kitchen on my way to my room. It was late afternoon by this time, and I knew I had to call Toby before too late if I didn't want to have to stand a chance of interrupting dinner or something. I tossed my bag on my bed and dug the crumpled paper from my pocket. I simply stared at it for a while, nibbling away at my cookie. Then I pulled my cellphone out of my bag and dialed the number. And then I stared at the numbers on my screen. Finally I won the battle between my mind and my fingers and pushed the call button. I flopped down on my bed as the dial tone played.

Tony picked up on the third ring.


"Uh, hi." There was an awkward silence.

"Aaaand who might this be?"

Oh, right. Le facepalm.

"Um, Ester. Ester Erstwhyl? We have English together."

"Oh, yeah. Hey Ester." Oh. My. Word. I didn't know it was possible to say my name so beau... Wait. I was NOT going to fall into this! Why was I calling him again?

"Is there something I can help you with?" Oh yeah! I knew there was a reason.

"Well, uh, actually I need to help you with something."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, Miss Jeffery said--"

"Oh, that. She said she was gonna try to get you to tutor me. What did she do?"

"What do you mean?"

"How did she make you do it? Blackmail? Threats? Oh, she threatened to take your books away, didn't she?"

"How did you--"

He laughed. Ohhh, I was in for it.

"Seems to be the only thing you care about."

"Not so!"

"Oh yeah? What do you care about, Ester Erstwhyl?"

"Well..." No way was I going to tell him cookies were second on that list.

"See? You're an open book. No pun intended." There was a smile in his voice.

"Well, I should be heading down to supper soon, or the mother might become the monster. Are you free tomorrow after school?"

"To study?"

"To study."

"Alright. I think I can squeeze you in."

"Yes, between all your other appointments, of course."

"Indeed, Master Parsard."

He laughed again, and I had to cover my mouth with the back of my hand to keep from giggling with him.

"Farewell, Miss Erstwhyl."

I stared at the phone in my hand after the beep sounded and my phone returned to displaying the time. What was wrong with me? I never giggled! I could handle a six hundred page book, easy. Give me a wild horse, I'll manage. But turn a boy loose on me and I was dead meat.

This was not going to be easy.

I needed another cookie.

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