6: Weekend

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Weekends can be the best or the worst. In this case it was the worst. It rained the entire time, electricity was out, and I was loaded with homework.

I dutifully dredged through my homework, forcing myself to concentrate. Hours flew by before my eyes. Eventually even homework left me hanging with nothing to do. I had finished the book I had been reading last night when I couldn't fall asleep, and it was too wet to risk another trip to the library.

So I cleaned my room.

I'd like to say I'm a perfectionist, that my room is always clean and my desk tidy. But... Yeah. While I love the feeling of cleanliness and organization, my room never seems to stay neat for long.

I discovered multiple treasures piled under my bed; my old panda slippers, a couple of stacks of paper, a year-old lollipop, some buttons, and a collection of class photos. I pulled them out and blew the dust off, creating a small cloud. I don't think I had ever really looked back on them after receiving them. The only reason I kept them was because my dad had always insisted that photos were precious pieces of frozen memories. Now, I'm glad I did. I looked through them, starting from kindergarten. I stared at the familiar faces, surprised at how much we all had changed over the years. I spotted myself, smiling ear to ear, clinging to my best friend, the only friend I ever had, Abeillia.

She moved when we were thirteen, the time I needed her most. Stepping up to high school without a single friend is not an easy thing to do. It kind of crippled me, if you ask me. It was then that I completely changed. No longer was I the crazy, fun-loving girl I was with Abei. I turned into what I am now. A shy, academic, freak. I miss her like crazy. If only she was here I would have a friend, and I wouldn't be stuck tutoring Toby. Speaking of which...

I found Toby in the picture. He was in the back row with a fist in the air, the silliest expression on his face. His nose was crinkled in the cutest way. Was it wrong to think that Little Toby was just stinking adorable? No, it couldn't be. He was adorable. A smile broke out on my face. I was just about to turn to the next photo when something caught my eye. I raised the picture to get a better look.

I squinted.

It couldn't be, could it?

Little Toby was clenching a cookie in his other hand.

I quickly flipped to the next picture. Sure enough, there it was again. Not in his hand this time, but resting on his shoulder. He was smiling at it like an idiot. Gosh. And he was still cute. I scanned through the rest of the photos and it was the same with all of them. The placement of the cookie got more and more outrageous each year. I finally came to last year's class photo. There he was, fake-kissing a sugar cookie with an icing face. How had I not noticed this before?

I spread the photos out on my bed, taking more time to appreciate each one. The problem was, the longer I stared, the less I could control my laughter. Soon I was in full-out hysterics. So that's how my dad found me. Laughing on the floor like an idiot.

"Ester? What now?"

"Just cookies, Dad." I took a deep breath in between laughs. "Just cookies."

I was a happy idiot.


I was just settling down with a cup of hot chocolate and a pad of paper when I heard it. Dad had just gone to bed and I was on my way. I just felt like writing something. I don't know why. I pulled out a pad of paper and a black pen and sat down in the big armchair in my room. Then something hit the window. At first I ignored it, assuming it was a branch or something. I started writing.

I'm so confused right now. One minute I'm angry, the next I'm laughing my head off, then I'm mopey again... I just don't get it.

I heard it again. Ping! That didn't sound much like a branch. I stood up to investigate, laying my pen and paper aside. I slid open my window and a burst of chilly air flooded the room.

"Psssst! Hey! Down here!" I looked down only to see Toby himself standing in my garden.

"What on earth are you doing here?" I hiss.

"I needed to see you."

"You couldn't wait twelve hours?"

"I could barely wait this long!" What?

"Could you hurry up? It's getting cold!"

Speechless, I grabbed a jacket from the back of my door and headed down the stairs.


Here you go! (Finally! Yeah, I know... I'm sorry.)

5 points to whoever has ever desperately wished someone would throw pebbles at your window and take you on a midnight adventure! I have... So 2000 points if anyone shows up out my window! The tricky part is finding my house... Mwahahahah! Oh, and bring cookies!

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