5: Birdbrain

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I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. We spent the majority of the afternoon doing nothing except goofing off. Eventually we gave up on the thought of trying to do homework, so we packed our bags and went exploring.

We found a shady spot by the pond to dump our stuff. No sooner was the bag out of his hand than Toby took off running again. He chased the ducks for a while, desperately trying to catch one. I didn't have the energy to keep up with him, so I made myself comfortable on the grass. I rested my arms on my knees and let my mind drift to faraway places.

I pictured a place where it was only Toby, me and the birds. Toby kept at his silly antics, but I was talking to the ducks. Okay, that's pretty silly too. But they were talking back to me; one in particular. It made its way toward me and tucked itself close to my skin. Its glossy feathers were smooth to the touch; cool, but not cold. She said her name was Cairina.

"How on earth did you do that?" Toby's voice woke me from my daydream.

"Do what?" I yawned.

"That." He pointed at my side, where the duck I had been speaking to was resting under my fingertips. I pulled my hand back, shocked.

"I-- I don't know." Did that mean... I tried to force a thought in the bird's direction. Cairina?

She lifted her head to face me, tilted in response.

No. No, this couldn't be right. I was tired; I was seeing things. That still didn't explain why this duck seemed particularly friendly to me, though.

"Uh, Toby? I think we should go. It's getting late, and I'm...not feeling so great." I stood, disturbing Cairi-- the duck from its resting spot. I retrieved my bag from under the tree and Toby followed my lead, slightly confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'll be fine."

We walked in silence the rest of the way back to school.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"I'll be fine."

"You sure?"


Awkward silence.

I lifted my hand to wave as we turned our separate ways. He started to walk off, but suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Hey, Ester?"

"Yeah?" I looked over my shoulder at the curious boy.

"Can... Uh... Would you mind helping me with science? I don't get this whole whoosh, wvoom, ka-bam! thing."

"Chemical reactions??"

"Yeah, that."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, silly."

"Thanks, birdbrain."

We both began the trek home, thoughts of the afternoon filling our minds.

I decided not to stop in on the kittens, mostly out of fear that they'd start speaking too. Frankly, I didn't know what to make of the whole episode. Talking to a boy, talking to a bird; what comes next, talking to the president?

The gate creaked as I swung it open. I stopped in the kitchen, wanting a cookie, but especially wanting one of those apple oatmeal cookies. I wonder if we have oatmeal...

Nevermind, too much to think about besides baking. Like where my dragon fire socks are.


Five points to whoever has tasted Aunt Hazel's Apple Oatmeal cookies! (I haven't, but I really want to...)

Fun fact about Cairina: She is a baby Muscovy duck. Her name is derived from the scientific name, Cairina Moschata.


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