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Enjolras and Grantaire were standing side by side, backs against a wall, cornered and painfully outnumbered. Their oppositions were poised, with their guns pointing, barking commands at the two revolutionaries.

"Put your hands up!" one of the soldiers yelled.

Enjolras complied immediately, but Grantaire threw down his gun in a sudden movement first. Before he knew what was happening, this triggered a shot to ring out and E had fallen backwards beside him, clutching the dark stain spreading across his abdomen.

R falls to his knees in shock and reaches to hold Enjolras in his arms. "Apollo!" But before he can get there, his arms are pulled behind his back and he felt the tightness of handcuffs on his wrists. He was dragged away from Enjolras, screaming his name in tears, as his angel bled out on the ground.

A/N: I literally cried writing this what is wrong with me??

Enjolras x Grantaire one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now