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Continuation of chapter before!
Warning ⚠️
mentions of past: abuse, manipulation, PTSD, Stockholm syndrome, anxiety, claustrophobia, gaslighting.
Sorry it's such a long list but I cannot leave anything out seriously.

Even if you've already read it, I suggest you go back and read the first part again, then this. I just honestly think it would make the experience more enjoyable you feel me? lmao

"So felix, how has your week been?"

Felix's breath hitched, he wasn't ready to speak yet. Is he ever ready to speak anymore?

It was a simple question. He could answer it

"I-it was-" Felix coughed, his throat was unexpectedly dry "it...was... good"

He nodded, happy with himself for managing to express his opinion.

"What did you do?" His therapist asked

"Well...I went out to dinner...with s-seungminnie" Felix curled in on himself as he spoke, pulling his knees into his chest "he b-bought me chicken, I liked it..."

"That's good"

Felix's therapist was a kind man, Felix could see it in his eyes. He didn't usually like to trust his own judgment anymore, he was useless anyway. But he had a feeling this man was ok.

"Anything else? Did you do anything fun at home?"

"I um...I- tried to start a n-new book...a fantasy one. I-i fantasy"

"Very nice, Felix. Did you try out the new breathing exercises?"

Felix paused, trying to remember the exercises. Breath in for three and squeeze his thumb and four finger together then breath out for three.

"They're going makes me f-feel like I'm doing yoga..which is f-fun" Felix let out a long breath.

"That's good, they seem to be much better than the last ones" he scribbled down on his clipboard. The scratching of the pen made him flinch. "Ok, I'm sure you're aware we need to go through some heavier questions"

Felix nodded, of course he knew, they do it every week.

"How have you been sleeping?" He started out with, Felix was already struggling and this was only the beginning. 

"I...haven't..." Felix went to closed his eyes, praying he'd only see the darkness of his eyelids and nothing else.

His therapist hummed, Felix had to continue

"E-every time...I close my eyes...I see his face..." Felix gulped, he didn't want to think of him.

"Right" the man continued to note down what Felix was saying. Although the thought of him made Felix feel ill. "Are you sleeping alone?"

"Mostly...yes" felix nodded "I sometimes sleep w-with m-my roomate"

"You didn't tell me you moved"

"You...didnt ask me"

To many people Felix may be perceived as rude but the problem was how unused he was to be asked for anything to do with himself.

"Ah, I apologize Felix"

"'s not your fault" Felix shook his head, bringing his hands to tuck inbetween his legs. He wished he could be smaller.

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