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Witness protection

"Its been days and we still cant find the boy"

"Sir we are doing everything we can"

"THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH MR SEO ITS BEEN DAYS" The cheif of police screamed in Changbins face.

This all started as right before someone named hyunjin was due to be put into a witness protection program he suddenly disappeared. Changbin was struggling to find leads and found that he may have to drop the case.

The problem was he really did not want to do that. The poor boy was only 18.

"There has to be a way to find him"

"This is going to be a waste of time, the boy is probably dead"

"Please sir just give me some time in sure I can find him"

"48 hours" the cheif snapped glaring at changbin making him feel even smaller than he already was.

"Yes sir" he nodded before running out of the room to his office.

He quickly switched on his computer, he wanted to look at the security cameras of where hyunjin was last sited.

"So he should be right here" he clicked on one of the cameras and played the video. Surely enough he saw hyunjin walking casuaully on his own. Then the camera went black causing him to quickly switch to another one to get the best view. (You are my best view... ehhhh)

Now he couldn't see the boy anymore so he kept switching cameras looking at each video until he spotted a logo on a coat. It looked like they were pulling someone away.

"Looks like i need to go there" changbin searched the logo into Google and found a where house adress creepy


Standing outside the abandoned looking where house he held his hand on a gun he'd been given. Carefully he slid into the building turning on full mission impossible stealth mode.

Dun dun dun duuuuunnnnnnnunnynyny

He turned a corner seeing someone blind folded sat in a chair. His first instinct was the walk over, but he assumed it was suspicious no one was around.

Hiding behind the wall he watched two men walk in from the other side.

All changbin had to do was wait until they left then he could grab the boy

After a while thank fully they left meaning changbin could run in. Quickly, he grabbed the boy not wanting to waist time fully untieing things


Back in the police station changbin held the poor boy. He was scared shitless having really awful flash backs.

Changbin was surprised how smooth the rescue went but he was a good police man so it was to be expected

"T-thank you" he heard the boy in his arms whisper

"No problem" he smiled giving him a kiss on the head

This one was so bad :(

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