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"I just don't want to be with you ok" Jisung screamed in minho's face, it hurt it really did.

"You aren't telling me the truth please just tell me"

"I'm sorry it's just the way it is"


"It hurts doesn't it... watching the one you love slip from your fingers everyday"

Jisung turned to face a man with a mask and a hood covering his face

"How do you know?"

"I can see it, you need to forget about everyone else for a second"

"What do you mean?" Jisung hadn't  even realised he was crying.

"Somethings stopping you from being together right?" The man pulled off his mask and his hood to reveal messy bleach blonde hair and a dimples.

"Yes...m-my parents"

"Well you need to think about yourself, it's your life" the kind man smiled and stuck out his hand "my name's chan"

"I'm Jisung"

"Now what are you waiting for? Go get him"

Jisung was about to get up but then shoved his number into Chan's hand and ran off.

I'm coming minho

Jisung ran so far his legs started to hurt and the cold air burnt his chest.

He ran up to minho's door and knocked it agressivly.

It opened to a surprised looking Minho as Jisung dropped to his knees

"I'm so sorry minho I'm so fucking sorry I'm such a coward I fucking love you and I was so scared of my parents that I couldn't bring myself to stay with you" Jisungs crying increased "I love you so so much"

Minho just stared at him in shock before pulling him up and kissing him deeply

"Jisung I love you, don't worry about your parents. I'll help you."

"Thank you, I love you" Jisung smiled feeling relieved

"I love you too" 

Jisung knew it was going to get much better from here.

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