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It had been 4 hours maybe 5 that changbin had been stuck in the forest. He's wanted nothing more than to just catch something so he could go home.

It seemed easy but for some reason he couldn't get one arrow to go the right direction. He kept missing, it was infuriating.

He'd hear multiple cracks in the undergrowth, fire and miss. Some weren't even close.

So he began to get frantic, shooting anything that moved. Those things included trees.

Now changbin was on his last arrow mainly because he was too lazy to retrieve his other ones.

Hearing a familiar crunch of leaves he turned into the direction of the sound. A smallish deer was just walking along.

Changbin was happy that it hasn't seen him yet. So he drew back the quiver on his bow and shot.

The deer made a noise of pain falling back into what changbin assumed was some sort of ditch.

"YES" He jumped down sprinting over to where the creature fell.

A deer would get him a lot of money.

He peeked over into the whole and...

There was no deer


It was human

Changbin screamed falling back, he was certain he'd shot a deer. Was he crazy?

The human was whimpering in pain, hands shaking contemplating to remove the arrow or not.

"Hey hey stop" Chan slid down the ditch, the human instantly jumping away

"Look let me help you" changbin grabbed his bag taking out medical supplies

"This might hurt" the boy said nothing watching changbin pull out the arrow from his thigh. He clawed at the ground in pain letting out loud whimpers.

Once changbin had treated the wound he patted it lightly. Finally taking the time to observe the boys face he was...different.

He had freckles over his cheeks which sort of resembled the spots on the a deer. He had soft caramel coloured hair with a white fringe. He had small antlers on the top of his head. At first glance changbin thought it may be a headband?

Changbin just stared into his big eyes which seemed to sparkle.

"I'm so sorry, I shot you" changbin bowed his head.

The deer said nothing in return

"Do you understand me?"

The boy tilted his head with a little sniff

"What's your name? I am changbin" he said slowly as if that would help the boy understand better.

"Fe-lix?" The boy seemingly named Felix, managed to say.

"Felix" changbin smiled then to be startled by Felix jumping forward

Wait what is he doing woah changbin  was surprised as Felix kissed him on the lips before kissing his forhead. Then he hopped over to the side of the ditch and began to climb out.

Changbin was stunned before he got up

"Hey where are you going?" Changbin jumped out of the ditch scanning the area

He only saw a little deer limping away.


Changbin kept coming back to the forest in the hopes of seeing that deer again. He also stopped hunting deers whenever he saw one, too afraid it would be Felix or some other human.

Then Changbins ears pricked up, a familiar crunching of leaves sounded near him.

"Felix!?" Changbin turned his head to find the boy crawling up to him. As soon as he reached changbin he rubbed his head on his crossed legs affectionately.

"Hey little lix" changbin smiled letting the deers head

Felix carefully lay his head into changbin lap relaxing in his hold.

"Are you tired, I guess when everyone hunts you, you can't sleep" changbin patted Felix's head.

Felix seemed happy with the pets letting out little noises which changbin felt were irresistibly cute.

So Felix was a deer, he shot this cute little thing.

Then Felix suddenly shot up a puff of smoke appeared and Felix popped up in his human form.

"Felix?" Changbin called as the boy started tugging his trousers trying to get him to follow

"Ok..." Changbin followed Felix through the woods until he started having to push a bunch of bushes away

"Felix slow down come on" changbin struggled through the vegetation

"Felix- woah" pulling the last branch away he was opened to a feild with a bunch of deers running around it happily.

Felix walked to changbin forcing him to sit.

"Do...not...up" felix tried to communicate as other deers came over, a puff of smoke and Felix became his little deer form.

They trotted over to changbin and began to sniff him. He was freaking out internally he'd never been this close to this many deers before.

Felix turned back to a deer and they seemed to be communicating with each other.

Then they started to growl at each other prompting changbin to go for his bow.

Felix quickly jumped on him changing to a human

"No..weapon not good" Felix carefully tried to get Changbins hand down.

Thats when another puff of smoke appeared. Out came a man with curly brown hair, he had longer antlers than Felix and seemed much more tough and stern.

He came up to changbin and grabbed his face. Changbins eyes widened in surprise

"I'm Chan, if you hurt him I'll kill you" Chan was much better at speaking "human" than Felix was.

"Yes" changbin nodded, Felix smiled happily jumping on Chan attacking him.

Changbin watched in awe the way they played. He looked at the little baby deers with their mommies. It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Not as beautiful as Felix.

"Binnie?" Felix put a hand on Changbins head snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah lix?"

" family" Felix seemed happy with his effort to talk.

"You have a beautiful family "

Felix grinned as soon as changbin said that jumping to hug him. He looked over Felix's shoulder to see Chan carefully watching them.

Changbin could only assume he was their leader of some sorts.

"You come again?" Felix asked hopefully rubbing his head into changbins kneck

"If you let me, and Chan" changbin looked at Chan who perked up a bit

Felix aslo turned around giving Chan puppy dog eyes. After a moment the deer bobbed his head in approval.

"Binnie come more" Felix smiled kissing Changbins cheek

"Binnie would love to come more"


I like this one a lot :3

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