
5.3K 129 104

Top jeongin
Bottom minho

Not proof read






"Why are they always like this?" Hyunjin turned to Felix who only shrugged and continued to make a paper hat

"I mean I'm starting to think they actually hate eachother"

"Hyunjin hyunjin hyunjin I don't think  you understand what that is" Felix pointed to minho and jeongin who were glaring at each other "That's young love"

"You're delusional g go get layed or something"

"Fuck off hwang"

Jeongin and minho were still fighting. Most of the group were surprised neither had thrown a punch yet





"Bets on they'll kiss each other?" Felix turned to hyunjin outstretching his fist

"Deal. There is no way"



"IDIO-" before minho could finish his scentance jeongin grabbed his face and kissed his lips

"Shut your mouth" he spoke before walking off leaving a blushing mess of minho

"Gimme" Felix held his hand up looking at hyunjin with his jaw dropped

"What- What how?" Hyunjin looked at Felix "How did you know?"

"Bacause I am an expert at enemies to lovers" Felix turned round facing you "and that is how you get yourself a man"

"Who are you talking too?"

"No one" Felix shrugged placing the paper hat on his head


After minho composed himself he went off in search of jeongin

Why the fuck would he do that?

He looked around the dorm to find jeongin casually sat on his bed using his phone

"Hey..." minho closed the door awkwardly

"Hi" jeongin stiffened, maybe he was just as embarrassed as minho

"How are you" minho face palmed, why the fuck did he say that?

"What the fuck?!"

"I don't know you can't just kiss me and walk off!" Minho semi shouted moving his hands in wild motions

"I can and I just did!"

"Stop! We are not arguing over this"

"What you gonna do about it?"

Pissed minho stomped over jumping onto jeongin and straddling his thighs

"Tell me how you stand!"

"I'm not standing techniqly I'm-"

"Shut the fuck up" minho shoved his lips into jeongins in an akward desperate kiss

Jeongin was quick to kiss back this time grabbing onto minho's thighs

"What's wrong with you?" Minho panted as he broke the kiss, his tone much softer now "You argue with me like that and just kiss me?"

"Well...I guess arguing with you made an excuse for us to talk" jeongin shrugged

"Dummy, you could have just asked" minho rolled his eyes moving lower so wrap his arms around jeongins kneck in a hug

"Can we- can we maybe start again?" Minho looked up with a pleading glint in is eyes

"Yes" jeongin smiled brightly "will you start with a date?"

"I'd love to go on a date" minho beamed snuggling into jeongins kneck

"And that my friends is the circle of life"



Hey I hope you like this in sorry if it wasn't very good >.<

I also checked the request and I'm not sure if this is exactly what you wanted T-T

I just thought it'd be a waste not to post after writing it, if It wasn't good enough I can always try again.


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