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vampire pt 2

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vampire pt 2

Go read pt 1 if you haven't ;)

For some reason everyone was just staring at each other. After Felix smashed the bottle over jisungs head they all went quiet

"Whats your name human" one who kinda looked like a prince and a llama at the same time spoke

"My name is felix" Felix tried to turn to face the person who questioned him but ended up just being pulled back by the hand cuff.

"Ok ok I need to ask you this" one of them said, he looked like someone who loved cats

"Y-yes?" Felix looked at him a little worried

"What were you doing out that late, with a bunch of cuts and bruises"

"Oh..." Felix looked down in shame, he didn't want to think about why he was out there but his parents abuse overcrowded his mind.

"Oh no" he heard jeongin speak "guys may be it's a good idea we didn't leave him out there"

"Jeongin you didn't" he heard another speak

"I'm sorry... it just happend, it was so loud"

Felix was confused..." What was so loud? "

"Your mind human" Felix heard a man speak from in the door way it was the same man who took him out of the basement

"You read my mind?" Felix whispered to the vampire

"Well... Yes I didn't mean to sometimes thoughts are just so loud I accidentally read them" he stuttered over his words feeling guilty. Jeongin never likes to invade people's privacy like that. Usually he was good at blocking people out, but big issues like that can't be ignored. 

"That means... You you" Felix gave him a look of horror and attempted to get away. The whole incident with his parents was supposed to stay with him. He finally felt the tears he'd been holding fall out of his eyes.

"Felix look we are sorry, only jeongin knows your past but we...will be here for you" he saw a puppy like man come up to him and place a hand on his shoulder

Something in that caused Felix to snap

"You'll be here for me? Don't make me laugh the whole reason I'm  not going to fucking live is because you sucked the life right out of me" Felix grit his teeth if he could move someone would have a punch in the face

"Look Felix at the time we had no supplements... and your blood is really tasty" jeongin tried to reason but Felix was having none of it

"You think that makes it any better" he snarled looking down at the bed in anger

"It's natural selection, sorry but we need to eat too" Chan spoke walking into the room now

"Oh I didn't know we were on the national geographic" (I want to be a dancer)

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