
6K 176 221

Based off of kakegurui
A house pet is a term used for a person with high amounts of debt due to gambling loss. Males are called doggy and females kitty (More or less)

"And there" Chan aka student council president placed the last card of the game "looks like I've won"

He smiled smugly picking up a chip and twirling it inbetween his fingers

Felix looked at the board and back at Chan rapidly, this couldn't be right. I...lost

"Seeing as you have nothing left you can owe me your life"

"M-my life?" Felix's face turned into one of horror. He questioned everything, why did he even try to go against the student council president in the first place? Did he actually think he could win? No. He didn't. It was his only chance to pay back his debt.

Gripping onto the edge of his blazer Felix braced himself for what would happen. Would Chan just kill him? Or would he be made a pet. More specifically Chan's pet.

"Exactly darling, but I don't think it'd be very fun to kill you. i hate waste and disposing of you would certainly be a waste" he tilted his head slightly and changed his tone into one of condescendance "so it looks like you'll just have to be mine"

"Yours?" Felix's eyes widened

"Well yes, you owe me right and I don't really want to put you in a life plan soooo..." he placed the chip down causing a small click on the table.

Felix didn't move his head, keeping it hung low. He listened to the chair move then footsteps approach him.

"You can be my pet I think that suffices" he grabbed Felixs jaw pulling his head up

"Y-you can't" Felix stuttered, tears brimming the corners of his eyes.

"And you get to decide because?" Chan moved his knee forward pressing it inbetween Felix's legs "you see from what I remember, it's me making the rules"

Felix was speechless, he knew the consequences. He just did not want to believe them.

"From now on you obey me" he stated dropping Felixs jaw and sitting on the table infront of him.

Felix resumed looking down, observing how his knuckles turned white, from the harsh clenching of his blazer fabric. 

"It's a pity, you had promise. Smart but not smart enough" Chan concluded before taking an object one of the council members handed him.

Felix didn't want to look, he already knew what it was.

A tag

As soon as they tag was wrapped around his kneck, he was no human. Just an animal...a house pet.

"Lift your head up doll or do you want to make this difficult?"

Felix instantly complied lifting his head up to look into Chan's eyes

"Well done you are so good already" Chan smiled, not a friendly smile. It was patronizing, humiliating. Felix hated it. He hated it more than anything.

A tear slid down Felix's cheek as he felt the tag put over his head, laying limply on his chest.

"Look at that" Chan patted Felix's cheek lightly a couple times.

Felix didn't speak, he didn't move.

"Let me tell you this" Chan spoke putting his hand onto Felix's head pushing him to face the floor again "you're better off with me than any other ass in this school, dont worry baby you'll enjoy it"

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