9 - Realisation Hits

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Eventually, I saw Mary and Lyla make a move. Mary had been one of the girls who was somewhat successful in making contact with Jungkook during class.

ugh I hate her

Lyla strategically started a conversation with Jimin leaving Jungkook all available for Mary

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Lyla strategically started a conversation with Jimin leaving Jungkook all available for Mary.

She spoke to Jungkook, it irritated the hell out of me that she stupidly giggled at everything he said and that she was caressing her hair. She was really pretty, there was no denying that plus she was from a proper family. Her dad started some tech company and was appreciated by the business world, he married her mother early and she was the descendant of a well-respected family.

You may wonder how do I know? Chris and Han told me, Chris had a somewhat crush on her, I guess all the guys did.

why was I even thinking this way?

djeez this party sucked.

Jungkook pov.

Finally, Mary and Lyla decided to get some drinks which left me alone with Jimin.

    'Hey, you are sure there is nothing going on between you and your hot neighbor?' Jimin asked and I sighed annoyed.

     'No why?' he nudged sideways.

      'She looked at you as some jealous girlfriend when we were conversing with Lyla and Mary just now.'

     'She did?' I asked rather confused as well as hopeful.
     'Dude, you like her?' Jimin asked.

     'No of course not' I quickly said, which only betrayed my true feelings.

I looked at y/n and she rolled her eyes when our eyes met.

Maybe Jimin was right?

 Jimin rolled his eyes just like y/n had done and then scoffed.

    'You can have probably 80% of the single girls here without any real effort and you decide to fall for the one that seems to have some high ass wall build around her?'

I didn't answer, as my eyes trailed y/ns movements who seemed to be looking for someone.

     'Does very much make sense I guess' Jimin added as he received no response from my side. He then slightly hit my arm

       'That calls for another drink.'

Slightly living in my own world I followed him to the bar. 

Y/n pov

I wasn't sure why in this particular moment but a sudden reality came crashing down on me that I was in fact falling for Jungkook, falling hard.

I was jealous and I couldn't even make excuses for myself anymore to convince me otherwise. it had nothing to do with my mission of protecting him anymore.

I was in love

I really needed to get myself in check. I mean he was the subject of my mission, he was the prince.

In every possible way, this was unrealistic ánd unprofessional.

I observed Jungkook at the other side of the room. my jealousy caused me to be in a pretty bad mood so as soon as our eyes met I rolled my eyes again. Annoyed he was talking so casually and I dare even say flirty with Mary.

Did I have any grounds to behave jealous or like this? Absolutely not. But the truth was that the annoyance wasn't just with Jungkooks behavior; it was also with my very own.

It was as if I had no control over my feelings, and I hated it.

I downed another drink. probably not the best way to tackle this problem but I didn't care.

I scanned the room to look for someone, someone suitable to distract myself from this shit. 

Jungkook pov

As soon as Jimin planted the idea in my head I couldn't cast it out anymore. Did she really like me that way? I started to walk around to search for her.

Jimin had found himself a girl to stay occupied with anyways, that was after all his entire motive to come to this party. It suited his image as well, he never left a party solo. He was the playboy royal for a reason.

I didn't even know what I would do when I finally saw y/n. All I knew is that in this moment I wanted to see her.  

I was occasionally stopped by girls who wanted to have a chat and I didn't want to be rude so I conversed shortly with each and every one of them. But I grew impatient to find y/n.

I needed to see her;

and as if my prayers were answered I saw her finally in the distance. A smile crept up on my face while I made my way towards her but then a guy appeared handing her a beer and putting an arm around her waist.

She confidently pulled him closer and I froze as I saw their lips connect in a passionate kiss. 

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