[OLD] It's A Baby [Preston] [FO4]

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Warnings: Spoilers for Prestons backstory and some canon game lore, some gore, it's old,

Note: This one is quite a bit old but I didn't get anything done for this Friday so have this piece of shit instead!

Plot: Even during a battle zone, Preston can hear a faint cry.

Relationship Status: Guardian/baby


It was dead of night when it happened, the event that will later be known as The Quincy Massacre. The gunners were picking off the settlers and the minutemen like flies. Preston tried his best to organize the settlers and tried to keep them calm. Preston, throughout the chaos, then heard a cry, a child cry. He had to go back and find where the crying was coming from.

He couldn't make another Kyle. Once he told one of the Minutemen who was helping the group of settlers as well, where he was going, Preston went back into the building where he heard the cries.


Preston held his laster musket close, fear feeling his body. The sobbing continued, which made Preston even more anxious. He had to go upstairs to find the baby, which was ungodly loud. He cringed with every step, as it let out a loud croak. Once he eventually got to the room where the cries were coming from.

He unlocked the door, gun aimed at every corner of the apartment Preston upon looking through the apartment, he notices the sight of glass bottles and a chair that was covered in burns. The crying was coming from a door at the end of the hall, getting louder with each second. Preston opened the door, fearing the worst. Preston was thankfully surprised when he saw the young toddler on their hind legs, no sign of being injured.

It was most likely the gunfire must've woke them up and what killed their-

Preston then notices a cold male body next to the crib a bullet inserted in his head. Preston gulped on his spit and walked to the crib. By now the baby stopped crying the looked up at the minuteman, raising their hands up in the air. "Up?" The baby babbled, jumping slightly. "Up." The child whimpered as their puffy red eyes showed signs of tiredness.

Preston placed his musket on his back and picked up the baby, in which they responded in giggles. Preston nearly forgot what situation they were in until another gunshot was heard in the distance. The young child whimpered as Preston held them close to his chest. "Come on, we're gettin' out of here." Preston reinsured, patting their back. He left the building in stealth and was able to leave the town with the toddler, who had to feel asleep through it all.

Later, from the Longs, he would learn that their name was [Y/N]. [Y/N] ... a very fitting name.


Gross. I really wrote like this. Nasty.

Another thing, I start school next week so it'll take me much longer to get requests done and possibly start posting every two weeks instead of one. Please forgive me if that's the case! 

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