Stargazing [Wilbur] [ACNH]

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Animal Crossing New Horizons Wilbur X Male! Reader

Notes: This will be set in a universe where all the villagers are gijinkas. I tried not to talk about Wilbur's appearance as much, I'll leave that up to your guy's imagination.

Plot: Sometimes, you just need a quick breather and look at the stars with your crush.

Relationship Status: Friends w/ crushes!


It was a cool and clear night. It wasn't boiling hot nor was it shivering cold. Perfect weather to go tarantula hunting, in [Y/N] opinion. Wilbur sat on the bridge, kicking his legs back and forth in the water. The water was nice and he so wishes he wasn't on the job so he could jump in.

The stars were nice as well, they reminded him of [Y/N] pretty eyes.

"Aw! My little brother got a crush!"

Orville's voice replayed in his mind, making Wilbur's blood go straight to his cheeks. Didn't help that [Y/N] was talking to him throughout the plane ride, making the butterflies in his stomach flutter. He was so distracted from his thoughts that he didn't even seem to notice his very crush walking up behind him. [Y/N] stalked crossed the bridge, careful not to make a sound. Then he made his goal.

"Roar!" He shouted, making the Dodo jump and fall into the water. "Oh shoot, Wilbur you okay!" [Y/N] laughed, wiping the tears out of his eyes. However, the laughing soon stops when Wilbur doesn't rise up from the water. "Wilbur?" Worry filled the boy's voice, he dropped his bag and walked closer to the edge.

But it was a trap!

As [Y/N] stood on the edge, Wilbur came out of nowhere and dragged him to the water. "Eek!" He yelled, before landing in the water.

Well more like splashing.

It was now Wilbur's turn to laugh, and boy was he laughing. It was loud, and [in [Y/N] opinion] rather cute. His laugh was so contagious that [Y/N] started to laugh too. [Even if Wilburt used his own dirty tactics against him!] Once the laughter died down, Wilbur climbed back up to the bridge and helped [Y/N] get on as well. "Woo, oh man." [Y/N] chuckled, getting the water out of his ears.

"Thank goodness I didn't have my bag on me, otherwise the Tarantulas would've all floated away!" [Y/N] kicked his legs into the water, looking back at Wilbur. "Heh, yeah." Wilbur rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous blush covering his cheeks. "Say, are you ready to go?" Wilbur asked, checking to see if his headset is still alright. "Nah not yet," [Y/N] said, staring back at Wilbur. [Y/N] continued to gaze at Wilbur for a bit longer, making the Dodo a bit nervous before he replied.

"You know, you should keep your sunglasses off more often, I like your eyes." [Y/N] professed, fidgeting with his hands. "I'll keep that in mind for next time." Wilbur smiled, no one ever really talked about his eyes all that much, he never saw anything special about them. [Y/N] looked up at the stars that danced in the night sky. "Say, don't pilots have to learn astronomy or something like that to fly?" [Y/N] asked, kicking his knees in the water. "Old pilots and Sailors had too, I only know some of the constellations. Orville probably knows more than me." Wilbur explained, fiddling around with his thumbs.

"Tell me the ones you do know then, I like hearing you talk." [Y/N] led his body over to be closer to the pilot.

There's no way this is happening.


He points at the sky, his finger landing on a random constellation. "Coma Berenices, it's the only one named after a real person." Wilbur can't help but notice [Y/N] staring up at him, a look of pure awe on his rather cute face. "Berenices, I think, was a queen, had gorgeous hair. Her husband went to war and she cut a lock of it to the Gods in order for her husband to return safely." Wilbur continued. "They say the Gods thought her hair was so beautiful that when her husband returned, they hung it up in the sky for everyone to see."

[Y/N] starred up that the sky, a bewildered look on his face. "So it's supposed to be hair?" [Y/N] spoke after a few seconds of silence. "Yeah, I don't really see it either, Gods are weird." Wilbur chucked at his stab at the Gods Wilbur looked over, seeing [Y/N] look up at the constellation and all Wilbur could think about was how beautiful he was.

You're worth more than any star I could wish for.

"Would you say Willbur? I didn't hear you." [Y/N] turned his head over to meet Wilburs, a smile on his face.

Oh, shoot, did he really say that out loud?

Yes, yes he did.

Wilbur jumped and nearly fell back into the ocean and thankfully caught himself. "N-Nothing! Just talking to myself! That's all!" Wilbur spluttered, trying to avoid the pair of [E/C] orbs staring at him. Wilbur cleared his voice, trying to erase any trace of him being flustered. "Are you ready to go now bellbottom?" He asked, standing up to his feet. "Yeah, let's go." [Y/N] did the same, following his friend back to the plane.

The plane ride wasn't much quiet, granted the tarantulas in the [Y/N] bag tried to escape. But it all thankfully worked out in the end. After saying goodbye to each other, Wilbur watched as [Y/N] walked away from the plane. The removal of [Y/N] was soon replaced with Wilbur's brother, who had a smug look on his face. "What?" Wilbur already knew what Orville was going to say.

"yoUR WOrtH More thEn aNy stAr i cOuld wISh FoR." Orville mocked, and Wilbur releases a loud wheezing noise.

While the two brothers fought each other, [Y/N] sold the tarantulas to Flick, and returned to his home. In the comfort of his own home, [Y/N] let out a semi-quiet screeching. He did a quick dance around the room before taking deep breaths to calm himself. Which he failed at doing but who could really blame him? The guy he had a crush on since coming to the Island, just announced he was worth more than the stars.

Of course, he's going to be flustered for a few hours. [Y/N] fell asleep that night high off of the flutters in his belly.


You just read: 1039 words!

No, I will not stop being a simp until you guys stop drawing Wilbur hot-

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