FO4 Companions Reaction to ... [PT 1]

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Fallout 4: Reactions to Reader keeping a baby version of a murderous machine.

Notes: Wasn't in the mood to write a full-blown fic this week, so have this reaction fic instead!

Characters involved: Cait, Codsworth, Dogmeat, Nick, Preston, and my character, Mark!

Relationship Status: Platonic though can be romance.


- As soon as she saw you holding a bundle of baby Radscorpins on your back, she wants in. She's going co-parent the shit out of it.

- "Aye, don't talk to me or my six children ever again otherwise I'm beating the shit outta ya."

- She named one Cait. Jr and honestly that one's her favorite. Cait. Jr is the biggest and strongest out of the six of them.

- One time, when the Radscorpins were still pretty young, you had to go to a mission but you didn't want to leave the children without something to hang on to. Cait bite the bullet and made them chill on her back while she workout and did other stuff.

- After only a few months of having them, they slowly left you and Cait, going to start their own RadScorpion families. Only one stays.

- "Cait, can you come here real quick I need some-" Cuts to Cait and Cait.Jr rashing towards you.-


- "Mx, what is that?" Codsworth's eye pointed down towards the hairless bundle in your arms. "Not sure, but I like em!" You exclaimed, moving the molerat back and forth like a baby.

- Codsworth was on the fence about the molerat, you named Spots, up till he saw Spots fast asleep with you on the bed. Then he was all on board.

- You know how some people put their dogs in baby onesies? Codsworth totally did that with Spot. It was torn to shreds but still.


- Confused??? Who is this???? A scaly baby??? Is it food- Oh it's festy food!

- Overtime discovers not it's not food but a new baby. Dogmeat becomes a surrogate mother to the Deathclaw. Making sure it's fed, clean, and all that good jazz.

- Can not sleep at night unless she with's the Deathclaw. Even once the Deathclaw is fully grown, Dogmeat still sleeps with him.

- Whenever Dogmeat has pups on her own, the Deathclaw will become a big brother and try to play with them. He doesn't know that he's still big to play with them and would have to wait until they're bigger.

- Overall, Dogmeat's a good mama, even to murderous creatures.

Nick Valentine

- He as much as he should be, he isn't surprised when you came back to Red Rocket holding a Yao Guai cub.

- "Her name is Tyler, and we will all love and appreciate Tyler."

- You know those dads who say they don't want the pet, then a day later they start

- Nick is an animal lover in his core and can't be angry at an animal, even one that could rip in in shreds.

- At some point, you're going to start to notice that Tyler likes Nick more than you! Ungrateful! She wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you!

- You mention this to Nick and he replies with an "I have no idea what you're calling about." While the cub is literally sleeping in his shirt.


- It was just after the battle for the Castle, everyone was happy, cheering, and hugging everyone nearby them. Preston was about to go high five you but quickly stop once he saw the small Mirelurk resting on your shoulders.

- "Hmm General? " He said, pointing to your shoulder. "Why do you have that?". "His name is Gerome and we treat Gerome with respect."

- The Mirelurk- I mean, Gerome, stayed on your shoulder for the rest of the day while the two of you slowly rebuilt the castle.

- Gerome lived with you for a bit, until he was too big for you. You returned him to the Castle and now he just lives there.

- Preston never learned to trust Gerome and honestly, I don't think he ever will.

Bonus: Mark

- "Listen, [Y/N], I love you, I really do," He takes in a deep breath and pointed towards your baby. "But we can't keep the Molerat." Mark can feel your death stare. "What! Why?" You shouted, "They look freaky we aren't keeping her."

- You kept her. Much to the dismay of Mark.

- "Hey, I'm going to bring Dogmeat with us," Mark said, Dogmeat trotting behind him. "Oh good, I'm bringing Britney then." Mark groaned and dogmeat growled at Britney, sensing her owner's dismay.

- He learned to love Britney but it's a hate-love relationship.

Mark holds up Britney in the air "Stinky.". "No! don't be mean!" You shout, looking up from the comic you were reading. Mark then starts to swing the Molerat back and forth in the air. "Stinky bastard girl." Mark smiled at your troubled face. "No!!!" You cried, standing up to grab your pet back.

"Naughty girl. Brat rat." Nick spoke, not looking up from the crossword puzzle he was currently. "NOOOO!" You shouted, completely distraught.

- Overall, only Mark is allowed to talk shit about Britney.

Hey, remember, your not a ghoul, you need to drink water. I know you been chugging down cans of Monster or whatever you prefer to drink but remember to drink some water too. We still need our #1 Sole survivor. <3 Bye-bye!

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