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Me: Hey! Pokefreak16 here and I would like to welcome you to our very own question and answer!

Clint: Can you stop with the announcer voice? Its giving me a head ache!

Me: Whatever Katniss. Anyway the first question is from @Unknown... for you and Natasha! @Clint/Natasha: Are you guys planning to have a baby after saving Shadow and Link?

Clint/Natasha: No.

Flairess: Why not?! I think that your baby would be very bad ass!

Natasha: As bad ass as our baby would be, we don't have time for children. We are constantly traveling for missions so technically it be someone else raising the baby, not us.

Clint: Plus children aren't my favorite thing in the world.

Me: Well then, hope you guys are happy! Probably just made another fangirl/fanboy cry!

Tony: When was the first time?

Me: *smiles sheepishly* When I wrote that Shadow and Link got surprise adopted...

Thor: What is tho surprise adoption you speak of?

Me: Oh it's just that I don't like the phrase kidnapping so I say surprise adoption instead.

Thor: Oh

Me: Ok next question. @Unknown asked @Thor: How would you play football with the Hulk?

Thor: What is football?

Flairess: Really Thor? You've been around us 'midguardians' this long and you don't know what football is?

Thor: Yes.

Flairess: *sigh* Ok buddy I'll explain it to ya later.

Thor: Whatever it is, I'm sure it would be played splendidly with Dr. Banner!

Me: Oook... purpleshadow14 asked @Flair: I think you need to have "the talk" before answering this, but what do you think your relationship is defined as? Also, what's it like knowing your YOUNGER sister is already a mother and hopefully a bride soon?

Flairess: Well, me an Tony are officially a couple.

Tony: Damn straight.

Flairess: That's my line!

Natasha: About fucking time!

Flairess: Excuse you? Watch your fucking language!

Natasha: Anyway it's about FUCKING time *smiles innocently at Flair* you two got together.

Flairess: Whatever... Anyway I'm ecstatic to be an Aunt! She named me and Tony the godparents-

Tony: Woopdy-fucking-doo.

Flairess: -and as for her being hopefully a bride, I think it be best for us to break her out first before things like that happen, right Loki?

Loki: *scoffs* Obviously.

Me: purpleshadow14 asked @Tony: Knowing your history with woman, what do you think of Flair? Like give an honest and genuine answer.

Flairess: I'd like to see this. *crosses arms*

Tony: Heh, ahem... I think she is the most beautiful, wonderful, sassy woman I have ever met, and I am very grateful for her to be in my life.

Amber: Aww!!!! So sweet!!!!

Flairess: Amber? What are you doing here?

Amber: Just though I'd drop in!

Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good. (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant