Chapter 2: New Shiny toy all over again

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Stefanie's POV

This guy or should I say Jed, is staring at me like he knows me. Apparently he's a wolf, and a secret Heretic doesn't mix well with a full on wolf. "Does he always does this?-" I question to the girls as Hope cuts in, "No,...quite weird for a wolf  to do that to a witch."

Lizzie's POV

"If I were you, I would be happy." I said as Stefanie questions, "And wh-" "Because these boys are drooling on you. It's like first grade all over again for you, you're the shiny new toy all over again." I said with a hint a jealousy, Josie than hits me with her elbow about my choice of words. "Stefanie's new besides, not a good way to say-" I then cut Josie off, "Says the girl who was literally fantasizing over her." "Enough, jeez." Hope says annoyed. "Talk to him perhaps?" Hope then says. "No way. I'm not about to do that..." Stefanie says as she rushes out, but is then stopped by MG.


"Woah-" I say as I bump into someone accidently spilling blood on their uniform. "Sorry I didn't see you..." I look up seeing the most prettiest eyes I ever seen, "Wow...u..uh, let me help you." "'s fine I.." The girl with blue eyes said. "You okay...your face look...strangely different from mine-" I say confused as her face look a little too different. "I said I'm fine." "Woah chill-" She then storms off as the one of the lights would flicker. 

"She's pretty but, CRAZY weird." I say as I sat down with the vampires next to Kaleb. "You know you slipped blood on a vampire right?- She probably just needs some blood." Kaleb says reassuring. "Okay then, let's get a blood bag for-" "No, not a blood bag, maybe a vampires blood will do the trick" "Kaleb that's not a good idea. She looked different from us, I swear." I say trying to get the idea out of his mind. "And that's why I'm doing it." Kaleb then goes to find the new girl.

Stefanie's POV

I walk out to the woods with my uniform, now changed. "I'm guessing you're new to blood, Kaleb by the way." I feel a bit uncomfortable but I greet him anyways, "Ste- Savannah." "And i'm also guessing you haven't fed, in a while" Kaleb then says, "I- I'm a witch." Kaleb stares at me before talking again. "So how come MG said something about your face?" "You tell me, how would you feel if someone spills something on your fresh clothing?" I turn only for him to ask me another question. "What's with the ring,...Lapis. Last time I checked witches don't wear daylight rings." I sigh, getting annoyed, "Look what do you want. It's better that you leave before something happens." Kaleb's true face shows, trying to show off. 

"She said to leave her alone, not that hard to understand." I look over to see Jed standing a few feet between us. "Thanks for trying to help I guess." I then walk off, Kaleb speeding in front of me. "I warned you." I then break his arm, enough for me to finally get away from him. "Savannah! Where are you going?!" "Inside...away from him." As i'm trying to process what was going on, I was full of anger as the wind started to pick up like a tornado was passing through. Jed was holding on to a tree as the wind grew stronger. I then pain inflict Kaleb for what he at least tried to do. 

Hope's POV

"Where is she? She's been gone for a while." I started to worry as MG chimed in, "I think I know..." I studied his face as he looked guilty. "What have you done this time MG..." Josie says. "Well,...I saw her true face and it was way different from mine, or any other vampire. Kaleb said he wanted to see who she was, so he got one of Dr. Saltzman's Vervain injections and was going to use it on her. BUT, just incase only." "Great. Her first day of school and Kaleb is probably having sex with her right now." Lizzie said, "Seriously." I say annoyed my her comment. 

"Looks like she must be outside..." I say as we all look out to see the wind picked up out of nowhere. "Why do you think that?" MG asks, "I don't know...just a feeling. You should stay just incase." 

Stefanie's POV

I wake up feeling weak, remembering what had happened, "Someone let me out!" "Your fine...and same goes to Kaleb." Hope says. "You lied to us Stefanie." Alaric says disappointed. "No one knew you were a Heretic, that caused you to play both of your sides differently and at different times, around different people." I look down honestly bored by his 'pep talk.' "I can handle myself." "Fine, were gonna let you go. But first, we need you to answer some questions.." Hope says as she pulls out an orb. "This will determine if your telling the truth or not." "How and why are you a Heretic." Alaric asks, "Well, I was born a witch. My Grandmother's Heretics passed down their ability to become one down to me by my grandmother. So, that's why I'm a Heretic." We notice the orb turn blue. "Good thing that was fast-" I cut Alaric off, "That's it- Seriously, you guys could've made it more exciting you know..." " You know, sometimes I really wish you weren't like your dad-" Hope unlocks the cage. "Finally." I say in relief. 

-end of chapter two

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