Chapter 5: Alive & Dead (part 2)

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⚠️Warnings: Mentions of Sex⚠️
Stefanie's POV
"But seriously, you shouldn't be here" Stefan says  concerned, "I don't know how, I passed out from pain coming from my head." I noticed he had wood in his hand, "What's that for?" "Oh,...for a campfire. Not just for me, but uh- for my friend too...she's on the otherside with me." "You have friends?" He gave me puzzling look to my comment, "Sorry Dad said you didn't really have friends so..." "Good old Damon, still teasing me while I'm dead. But, that is true,..kind of." I laugh at the joke he made. We were walking to wherever he was taking me when I asked a question, "Stefan...Am I dead. I can't be stuck here forever." He pauses, "Well, considering your heart wasn't ripped out or anything, you should be fine. Unless..." "Unless what?" "What if it's the heretics?" "Oh please, they wouldn't send me here." As we were talking, I heard my name being yelled by a person. It was loud, but faint, "What was that?" "I think your friends need you.." For some reason it took me a while to understand, "But, I can't leave now,..w..we just met, I-" Stefan cut me off, "No, I know it's too soon, but you living right now is what's important."  I wanted to keep on talking, but I was then met by a bright light.

Alaric's POV
"DAD!" Josie screamed my name in fear, "W..what's going on, you ok? Is Lizzie-" "We're fine it's Stefanie.." "Oh great." I grab my crossbow thinking she's feeding on human or at least something that she shouldn't. "Dad,...No crossbow today, just hurry." I put my crossbow down, and followed Josie. "Omg- Stefanie wake up." I see Stefanie lying unconscious. "Josie, use your magi-" "I can't I tried." I sigh frustrated, "Then call Hope!" I give CPR to Stefanie hoping she would wake up, but no response. "I heard about what is happening.." Hope said as she rushes to Stefanie's aid, and uses her magic. "Wth- My magic isn't working Ric, it's like someone is putting an anti-magic barrier on her." I processed what she said, "Heretics. The Heretics won't let you girls or anyone use magic on her. It's like they're protecting her." The twins siphoned Hope as they try to bring Stefanie back, after a while her nose started to bleed. "Girls, should stop she's going to actually die. Her body is taking it in as if she's using your magic." "We have to bring her back Dad!" Josie says not wanting her to die in her responsibility. All of the sudden, she woke up and gasped. 

Stefanie's POV
I gasped feeling blood dripping from my nose while looking at the twins, Hope, and Ric. "I..I saw him..I saw Stefan." I sighed, "I died...for a moment I wanted to die so I could be with him, but a part of me didn't because I had this whole world waiting for me to live my best life." "At least you're alive, Damon would've killed me." Alaric says in relief.
Ever since I saw Stefan, I felt even closer. I saw that the school has a section that was closed off. Of course I went in. They had exhibits for people that are related to me. I saw Katherine's, and seeing her looking exactly like my mom...I can't imagine the hell my mom went through. I was completely fine and excited until I got to Stefan's, seeing his face made me want to stay with him again. I was on the verge of tears, so many emotions were rushing to me, that I wasn't aware of my surroundings. The school was effected by my emotions. Lights would flicker around the school, and the ground shook a bit. "Stef...Stefanie!" I jump back into reality, "Sorry Hope I- I was just looking around." "More like staring, i'm heading to lunch, wanna join?" "Um...sure, I'll be there in a sec." "K, see ya." As Hope leaves, I take some of Stefan's journals, eyeing for his 1864 ones. I duplicate his displayed journals with a spell, making it look like no one, including me has touched it. Before I head to lunch, I vamp speed to my dorm to hide the journals.

Hope's POV
"Did you find Stefanie?" Josie asks, "Yeah she was in the display room, she said she'd be here in a sec." "Speak of the devil." Says Lizzie, "I'm here, sorry it took long, students were asking me questions." Stefanie then sits down next to me. "So Stefanie, How are things between you and Jed?" "Good?...Why are you asking me this anyways?" "Because your mate is looking at you, duh." Josie says. "Oh,..well I have to use the bathroom..." Stefanie says randomly, "Sure you do." Lizzie says teasingly. "I won't be surprised if they have sex at this p-" Josie cuts me off, "That's against the rules, you are not allowed to talk about them having sex around me." "But, Wh-" Lizzie cuts me off, "Don't you remember what happened that one time they almost got caught- Josie saw them and she doesn't like hearing about it." "Oh right..."

Stefanie's POV
Jed follows me to my dorm, I lock the door with a spell, "Okay, I'm going to show you something. BUT, If you tell anyone you're dead." "Jeez, your secret is kept with me." "Good, I got these journals from my uncle, the 1864 ones. Just because you can see them, doesn't mean you can read them."
After some time we head back to lunch. "I told you they would have sex!" Said Lizzie, "Ew, no. We were just chatting I guess.." "Alaric said there's going to be a school party tomorrow night, you should come." Hope suggests, "Of course I'm going! I can finally get out of this school." "But, you went out like a week ago-" Josie says, "That was for a different reason..."

-end of chapter 5 (Part 2)

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