Chapter 3: Heretic's don't mix with a wolf.

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⚠️Warnings: Mentions of sex⚠️
Stefanie's POV

I still on edge with that Kaleb guy who used me just to find out who I really was. Now, I have to meet Jed, the wolf that likes the Heretic. Heretic's don't mix with a wolf. He's lucky i'm going to be nice.

Jed's POV

I soon as we made eye contact, it felt like we were connected. Someway, somehow. I just hope she isn't a bitch. Her being a Witch is enough. Some time later, we meet up, "'re Savannah, right?" I say, "Yes, call me Sav...should I be asking why we are in the woods?-" "Sorry, I just don't want those vampires eavesdropping." I say cutting her off. "No, you're fine dude." Savannah. "I came- or we came here because I wanted to talk about something." Savannah looks at me curiously, "I was staring at you because..well- Somehow, you're my mate, I know it's a bit weird, trust me, but I do have a liking towards you. I mean- You seem really cool and your ey-" Savannah cuts me off, "Yeah I know, everybody goes for my eyes as a compliment. As Josie likes to say, "Amazing crystal blue like eyes." Get them from my dad I guess..." I was grinning at her as she was telling her little story. "sorry i-" "It's cute, finally someone listens to me." She says while also grinning at me. "I actually maybe have a liking for you too..." Savannah would lean in closer, so close that we were only an inch apart. "I also have a liking for wolves too..." She then kisses me, and of course I kiss her back. It felt like we were made for eachother, it's hard to explain, but...I feel like i'm falling for her, hard.

Stefanie's POV

Our kiss ends up becoming more and more heated, somehow we end up on floor. He then slightly rips my shirt off me as we become more intimate. We both stopped as we heard voices, "I'm sure she's here somewhere, she was going to meet up with someone." That voice sounded familiar, it's Josie and MG. "Get dressed, NOW" I say to Jed quickly, "Why?-" "Just do it-" I was then cut off by gasps. "Omg Stefanie I-" MG says turning around as I get redressed. Crap. "Your name isn't Savannah, It's Stefanie?! And you're not even a witch, you're a Heretic, you lied to me." Jed says as he storms off back to the school. "Jed I-" I sigh, feeling that he hates me now. "You can both turn around now..." MG turns around, but Josie it still turned the other way. "Josie..I, I'm sorry." Josie wouldn't say anything as she is still turned the other way with her head down. "Fine, have it your way. Tell the whole school if you have too, but I..I have feelings for Jed. And I'm sorry that I hurted you Josie, I'm sorry that I broke your heart by being intimate with my mate." I also strom off like Jed did upset, confused, I can't describe what i'm feeling. "Stef i-" "Silencio" I say silencing Josie with a spell.

Lizzie's POV

I walk out of class hearing all these students talking about something. Where is Josie..omg- "Oh my god, are you okay- who did this, because they will pay. Josie would make an 'S' with her finger. I realize that Stefanie did this...I hesitate but ask anyways, "Did you make her mad? You know how she gets when she's mad." Josie then shakes her head. I undo the spell Stefanie did. "Great, now that I helped you, what are all these students even talking about?" Josie sighs as she answers, "Stef and Jed are Mates, like mates mates. Things got a bit more- they had sex okay?" I gasp dramatically, "How innapro-" Jed walks by rudely cutting me off, "We didn't do it Josie..." "That's a relief...and I'm guessing you're not happy about it." "She almost has sex with him! She knows I like her..." "Stef probably not into you? Besides they're mates, everything that's happened between them is special...just like what they were gonna do." "She could've gotten pre-" "We are SO not going in that direction" I say in disgust.

Stefanie's POV

I'm still upset about what happened earlier today. So, I might as well let out my anger.

-end of chapter 3

(Sorry if this one was short)

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