Chapter 9: Can a Miracle Be a Mistake At the Same Time?

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⚠Warnings: Mentions of Sex⚠

Alaric's POV

"It's been days since Stefanie was gone, and you're telling me you don't know where she is?!" I say to Josie, "Sorry Dad, but she said she was going to town for a while..." Just then, I hear I familiar voice calling my name, "Ric! Where's my daugther?!" "Woah,...calm down might need a drink." I pass Damon a bourbon. "So, Stefanie's gone and we don't know where she is. She said she would be going to town for a bit-" "Alaric. You're so dead if something happened to her-" Damon stops talking as he looks back to see Stefanie and Valerie?

Stefanie's POV

I sigh, not wanting to see or even hear my Dad's reaction. "Valerie, you're coming with me. He won't act up since your one of the two Heretics left." I say to Valerie. "Don't worry, even if he "acts up" I'll still be by your side...for the whole 9 months." "Thanks Val." I always thought Valerie and I were close, she was like a second mother to me.

"Dad, I'm fine,...I went out of town for a few day's that's all." "First of all, I'm glad you're safe, and Valerie's here? Second, What the hell were you doing in New Orleans out of all places?!" "Reasons Dad...just trust me. Whatever I say from this day forward, don't freak out." I say, trying to make him calm. "Josie, you mind?" I ask to Josie and Alaric, hinting they should leave the room. "Dad,...I met this guy, his name is Henry and he's really nice and I guess we took things to fast and...we had sex." "Okay- tmi." My Dad says, "That's not the reason. After some weeks, I went to New Orleans with Valerie, we found out he was there after he left me that night. Witches took me hostage...for a miracle." "What are you trying to say Stef..." He says as his eyes widen, trying to figure out my complicated story, "I'm pregnant with Henry's child, Dad. Before you ask, he said he was a vampire, but he was really a Hybrid." I say as tears form in my eyes. "Stefanie Rose Salvatore. Did we not tell you to not trust anyone especially when they are a boy. Matter of fact, you barely even knew him!" My Dad says angry. "Dad, I promise me and Henry will find a way." Valerie then goes in front of me as my dad slams his drink to the ground and rushes out of the school. "He's upset isn't he..." "Just give him AND your Mum some's a big deal you know..." Valerie says as she comforts me.
"You're telling me you're pregnant with my niece or nephew?-" Hope says, "I know it's crazy, but don't worry Henry isn't biologically related to your family, but they called him a Mikaelson." I say. "We need all the help we can get, this baby of mine will be targeted like you were...I don't care if I die, I just need my child alive." 

Lizzie's POV

"Do I want to know how she got pregnant?" I say to Josie, "You might wanna sit down for this." "So, after I told Stef about Jed "Cheating," she wanted to get revenge, and she did...she had sex with a guy named Henry, he said he was a vampire, but he really was a hybrid, so he can pretty much procreate." "Well Stefanie didn't waste anytime getting revenge..." I say. "Oh and by the way, I'm planning her baby shower!" I also say before I walk off to class.

Stefanie's POV

I want to be with New Orleans with Henry and his family, but I also don't wanna leave my home. "I don't know what to do, Valerie..." I say to Valerie as we sit on a bench outside, "Listen to your heart Stefanie...we don't know what Amelia and her witches have planned, it could turn out like Hayley's or even worse." Valerie says. "Exactly. That's what i'm worried about." I say annoyed.     As i'm walking to class, I see Jed. "Hey Stef! I was wondering if we could go out...since we're on good terms?" "Jed,...I really want to, but it's best that we're not together." "Why? Did I do something?' Jed asks, "No! You didn't- I'm just dealing with some of my own problems." "Who are you?" Jed says, "Jed- You know me..." I turn around to my the father of my child, Henry. My eyes widen, "What are you" I say as I walk up to him to hug him. "Oh, so this is your problem?" Jed says annoyed, "Jed! Don't have to understand that what i'm about to tell you, very important." I sigh before giving in, "I'm pregnant Jed, and Henry is the father..." Jed takes in the information. He then charges at Henry, pushing him as hard as he could. "Jed! Stop it!" I pain inflict him, preventing him from hurting Henry. Alaric comes in with his crossbow, "Henry, get Stefanie out of here, now." Henry then pulls me with him going to his car, "Get in, we don't have time." "Henry, what the hell is going on?" He sighs as he drives off, "Amelia's witches came, they're trying to take you...we took care of them before they got to you. Now, we need to get to New Orleans Freya and Davina can protect you incase the witches decide to attack." "Well, you shouldn't be taking a pregnant women without giving information-" "Just did." I sigh becoming stressed, "Please tell me Valerie's coming." "She's coming with us the next day, she's  staying back at the school incase more come." 

It's been months since we left from Mystic Falls, Valerie didn't come with us. I insisted that she should stay and protect the school. Henry was able to persuade Amelia to not take me or our child. 

-end of chapter 9 

Thank you for the support of this book! Sneak peak of 'Mrs. Mikaelson' coming soon!~

-elijahsdaylightring 💗

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