Chapter 4: Rippers run in the family (Part 1)

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⚠️Warnings: None⚠️
Stefanie's POV

I park my car and make my way to the grill. "What can i get for you?" The kind bartender said, "Bourbon. Lot's of it." "I'm gonna have to see some ID-" I cut him off as I compel him, "You don't need my ID, no more questions...Actually, I gonna pass on the bourbon. Follow me." The waiter would follow me to the back of the grill.
"Now don't move, don't scream..." I then bite into him. Every sip of his blood was quenching my thirst for human blood. I knew I should stop, but my ripper side wouldn't let me. I sunk my teeth deeper. At this point, he wouldn't be able to walk. Somehow, I managed to stop, just enough for me to heal him and let him go. As I let him walk off, one of they guys coworker comes to take some garbage out. "HOLY SH-" Before he could finish, I compel him to stay still and to not make a sound. "X marks the spot" I say as I carve an 'X' into his neck with my magic. I was about to feed from him, when all of the sudden I felt a sharp excruciating pain in my head. I look up to see the person I didn't want to be seeing.

Josie's POV

Even if I only knew Stef for a few days, I liked her. Seeing Stefanie with her true face was utterly frightening to watch. It was like seeing someone you never saw before. I stopped pain inflicting her as my Dad injects vervain into her system. "Ralph, take St- Savannah to the school, in a cell..." says Dad, "She should stay in the cell for a few days, we don't know what she can do with her vampire side." We head back to the school putting Stefanie in a cell.

Stefanie's POV

I woke up with a headache, remembering everything that happened last night. As i'm sitting down bored, Ric comes in, "How are you feelin-" "I feel GREAT thanks for asking," I say in my usual sarcastic tone, "This headache hurts like hell..." "Here, drink this, It should help" As I take the drink, I look into Ric's eyes that are on the other side of the cell, "I want you to get me out of this cell, If someone asks why you let me out, say something...convincing I guess." Alaric then unlocks the cell looking dazed but aware of the actions he's doing. "thanks~" I say to him as I vamp speed to lunch.

"Woah- Chill,...why are you here anyways." Lizzie says, "Alaric let me out, duh." "Dad wouldn't do-" I cut Josie off, "I'm not as bad as you think Josette." Josie would be flustered by me calling her by her real name. "Cut the crap out Stefanie." Hope says as she walks to us, Ric following behind. "Oh looks like you caught me...not surprised." Hope would have a questioning look on her face. I sigh, "I made my compulsion only temporary for Alaric, ok?! Like I said, I'm not as bad as you think...I was in one of my moments." I then strom off, heading to gym class. The class that I share with the one and only, Jed. I could feel the tension between us. I just don't want him to hate me for lying. I walk up to him willing to talk to him, "Hey,...Jed." I sigh giving up, "Look, I know that i lied, but what would you do if you had to start a new life hiding your true self?" I looked at Jed noticing he was forgiving me, "Alright, I get it. I understand..." He then grins at me a little as he hugs me before starting class.

After my classes, Alaric called me to his office. "Hey Stefanie....I might as well say it." "What Ric?" Alaric sighs, "It's time to tell the school, the students are getting curious. We could have an assembly next morning."

~Next Morning~

Lizzie's POV

"It's your big day Stefanie! I mean like- This is history." "Lizzie chill, it's nothing really, i'm just announcing to the school that i'm Stefanie Salvatore....t..the daughter of Elena and Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore's niece...on second thought, i'm not ready-" I cut off Stefanie, "You'll do fine, plus they're going to listen to you anyways, especially the boys. "Now go before you miss your chance." Stefanie walks to the podium.

Stefanie's POV's

"Hello, Salvatore students. You may know me as Savannah, but that's not true. My name is Stefanie Salvatore daughter of Elena and Damon Salvatore, and Stefan Salvatore's niece." I started spacing out as the sounds of students gasping and shocked by my announcement. It felt like I wasn't even there. "You did great." Alaric says to me, snapping me back into reality. "Thanks." I say wanting to get off stage. "That wasn't so bad was it?..." Josie says as she comes up to me, "I guess..." There was an awkward pause between us before we said anything, "I'm Sorry." We both day in unison. "You can go." I say giving Josie a chance,  "I'm sorry, for my reaction that day, I was upset. I liked you since the day you came here and that part showed that day...If I knew you were mates with him,...things would've been better." "Don't apologize Josette, I'm the one who ran away because of my anger issues." "I actually think you ran away because of the power you didn't want to hurt anyone so, relived your pain by feeding on a human..." I listened to everything until she said 'power', the same thing happened again, I was spacing out to a point where I couldn't here her or was like I was deaf. "Stefanie, okay? Did I say something wrong-" Again, I couldn't hear her. Like a sound barrier between me and her. I then felt a massive pain in my head, so bad I was going to pass out. I didn't know whether to freak out because of the pain or the fact that every sound is just being blocked out. Then, everything went black.

Josie's POV

Stefanie was spacing out as I was questioned her, "Stefanie, okay? Did I say something wrong-" "Stef!" I then see her kneeling to the ground in pain. I was shaking her telling her to keep calm so I could ease the pain. It looked like she was ignoring me, but I did it anyways. Nothing. "My magic always works..." I say. I look around to see if someone was playing tricks on us, but it was empty. I turn around to see Stefanie unconscious on the floor. I shake her telling her to wake up. I check her pulse to find no heartbeat. I wanted to use my magic, but I knew it wouldn't work. I run to my dad no knowing what to do.

Stefanie's POV

I wake up to see I'm not in the hallway like I was before. "Hello..." I say. I get up, looking around. It was all foggy and it didn't feel like this world was real. "Woah- What are you doing shouldn't be here." A guy's voice says. "Look, I just woke up here to" "Stefanie?!" "omg..." I turn around to see my long lost Uncle, Stefan Salvatore. "Your dead...Stefan." I gasp, realizing where I finally was. I'm on the otherside.

-End of Chapter 4 (Part 1)

Miss Salvatore -Book 1- 🩸Where stories live. Discover now