Chapter 7: Revenge at it's finest

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⚠Warnings: Mentions of sex⚠

Stefanie's POV 

As much as I loved our long but short break, it was time for school to start, again. Let's just say me and Jed really enjoyed our break. My power has gone down to it's normal rate ever since Hope and the  Twins told me about the whole Dead, but alive Heretic situation.

-time skip to school-
Josie's POV
Half of the school day has gone by. It was nice catching up with friends. Lizzie literally won't stop  about Jed and Stef and their 'school break.' "Okay, What happened on your spring break Stef?" Lizzie asks, "Well,...if I told you, you wouldn't be able to shut up so..." Stefanie replies. "You know what, I'm going to...Head to class early! I- I have things to catch up on." I say, frantically wanting to get as far as possible from the conversation. I walk to class, I I'm walking, I see Jed. I was going to talk and say hello, but I saw him with another girl, It looked like they were not just friends, they were "friends friends."  I didn't know what to do then to tell Stef about this...

Stefanie's POV
I looked up from my book to see a overwhelmed Josie. "Hey,..calm down. What happened?" "I- I saw Jed and...I think he's cheating, on you.." Josie says. "Look Jo. I get that you're not a fan of our relationship, but He wouldn't do that, trust me." "No,..look." Josie then shows me a photo of the girl kissing Jed's cheek. "How...Wonderful. Where is he so I can rip his head off." I say already feeling my blood boil. "Stefanie. Calm down. If you don't, those Heretics won't back down..." I sigh as I'm annoyed and frustrated, "Fine! But tell him to not come near me at all." "Ok then...Oh, also forgot, there's a new student coming today." Josie says before she leaves.

????'s POV
I was going to knock on the school's door, but it opened by it's self. No one was there so I walked in. "Hello...anyone there!" Apparently I forgot this was a school so I just embarrassed myself. "Sorry, I was running late, my names Josie. Anyways, I'll be your tour guide for today." Josie says. She told me to head to her Dad's office, so I did. I waited outside since someone was in his office already. When the door opened, I looked up to see a very pretty girl. "You look new..., the names Stefanie. We can catch up again later." "Sure!" I say, delighted. I then enter the office. "That was Stefanie Salvatore you just bumped into...Anyways, you're new so, I need to know what you are." I answered hesitantly, "...I'm a Vampire." "Well it's not like there isn't enough blood suckers offense-" "Your fine..." I then head out to my classes.

Stefanie's POV
I wanted to get revenge on Jed. He decides to cheat on me when we were perfectly in love. The new guy that came in today seems like a good choice, plus he's good looking. His chestnut hair was curly and fluffy, it matched well with his hazel eyes. Now that I think about, Jed and that girl probably already hit it off. Now it's my turn.
My third class was the same as the new guy. "Hey again, I didn't catch your name." "My names Henry..." "That's...a cool name!" I say trying to not make things awkward. "You wanna hang out sometime?" He says, "Yeah, where exactly?" "Well, anywhere you wanna go." I agree with him, "Cool,...8 pm, got it?"

Henry's POV
First day of school and I already have a date,...almost. "So where are we going?" I ask Stefanie, as we're walking in the woods. "Well, I like the woods. It's like a safe place." Stefanie says. "Wait. Be right back." Stefanie says as she vamp speeds away. I sigh sitting on the ground. "Back." I see her holding a blanket and drinks. "You could've told me you were bringing a blanket before I sat on dirt-" "You're fine, Henry" We both laid down on the blanket looking at each other. Seconds later, we were making out. It was filled with lust, anger, passion, all in one. "...should we stop?" She asks, "No." I say. I rip her shirt off as I kiss her neck. All I wanted was her, no one else but her. It felt like no one was around but us.

            -Time skip time the next morning-

Josie's POV
Maybe I should've kept the whole Jed thing a secret. I can't find Stefanie anywhere. "Hey Josie, have you seen Stef-" I cut him off, "Save it, cheater." "What? I wouldn't cheat at all." "Then why was a girl kissing you on the cheek?" Jed would chuckle, "Nothing happened between us, I was planning something for Stef and she whispered some words to me so the vamps won't hear." I stood there looking guilty. "I'm sorry Jed, but I thought you were and I...I told Stefanie and now I can't find her." "Really!? Great, there goes my plans..." Jed walks off.

Stefanie's POV
I bolted up, "We stayed here overnight Henry-" "Relax, we're fine." "No, I can't go anywhere because my shirt is literally in two pieces." I say as I put my bra on. "Here, take my shirt." I sigh, having no choice but to where it. "You're so dead if something happens to me."

That was the last time I ever saw him. That was weeks ago. And he hasn't returned ever since. Should I feel worried or betrayed.

"Thanks, Jo." I say, as she gives me a pint of ice cream. "I've been craving this! Chocolate is really good." "More like eating it 3 times a week." "So, how are things with you and Jed?" Josie asks, "Good I guess, we don't hate each other, but we're still not together." "Again Stef, I'm really sorry for what I did." "You're fine Jo, no sweat."  I'm the one who should be freaking out, I'm the one who had Sex with a guy I barely know.  "Look, I'm just gonna head out to town for awhile." I say, wanting to forget everything.
As I'm driving, a figure stands in the middle of the road. "Woah!" I was able to stop in time. I get out the car, ready to attack just in case. "Omg, Valerie? What are you doing here?" I say as I hug her, "Well, I heard someone is gone from your life...along with the whole Heretic situation." Valerie takes me to a secret area in the woods that only is available to witches. "Do you have anything that's his?" I take out his shirt from my backpack, "His shirt from a while ago...don't ask." I give Valerie some of my blood for the spell. "I found him. He's safe...he's not here at all...he's in New Orleans." "Out of all places, New Orleans?" "Family Business I suppose." Valerie says. "Well, are we going or not?" I say, "Why not?" Valerie replies.

New Orleans here I come.

-end of chapter 7

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