Chapter 8: It happened once, it can happen twice

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⚠Warnings: Mentions of Sex⚠

Henry's POV

I didn't want to cause anymore drama between Stefanie, Jed and I so, I left. I do still feel bad for leaving her, who knows what's going on.
"So, how was school for you,...did you say who you really were?" One of my family members say. "School was good I guess, been a while since the last time I went to one. And no, I said I was a vampire." Another one of my family members come in, "Henrik, you have someone waiting for you outside." They say. Who would be waiting for me?

Stefanie's POV
Me and Valerie walk down the streets of New Orleans. "Where exactly are we going?" I say. "Meeting someone you know, and his family." I'm guessing she means Henry.
We knock on the door. We waited and waited, "We should leav-" The door opens revealing a women with short blonde hair. "May I help you?" "Yes, we're looking for a guy named Henry. He's about 18 years old." "Well, you came to the right place. Come in."
There he is, Henry. The guy who left after a one night stand. "Who's this?" A brunette says. "Stefanie and Valerie, meet Davina." The blonde girl says. "Been a while since we've had visitors. I see you've met Freya." Freya is the blonde girl, and Davina is the brunette, got it. "You have some explaining to do. You left me!" I say angry at Henry. "Stefanie, relax before Nora decides to rip his heart out." Valerie says. "Sorry. Now speak." I say to Henry. "Look, I'm sorry I left...I'm not who you think I am okay. Plus, I didn't want to cause any drama." "Please don't freak out, but...I'm apart of the Mikaelson family. That's Freya and Davina Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, who's not here right now is also my family." I gasp realizing that I had sex with a Mikaelson a.k.a Hope's related to him! "I'm not biologically related to them, but we're still family. Klaus Mikaelson turned me into a vampire after he found me dying in the woods in the 1920's near a bayou. Of course there's always some deal Klaus must make. He told me to never reveal myself to anyone but the Mikaelsons. He named me Henrik, after his late younger brother." It was crazy grasping all that information he just gave me. "Since you're staying for a few hours, can I show you around town?" Freya says.
Me and Freya walk around New Orleans. It was amazing hearing music everywhere you go. "So, how long have you known Henry?" Freya asks, "As crazy as it sounds it's true, me and him had sex in the woods." "So a one night stand?" "Yep." "Omg, you okay, your nose..." I tell Freya as blood drips from her nose. "I'm fine, weird...I haven't practiced magic today at all, I was too busy taking care of Nik, my son." I look back to see a women following us, "Someone's following, Freya." "Follow me." She whispers. We get into an alleyway ready to attack. The women followed us. "Freya!" I kneel down to her as she lays on the ground unconscious. "I'm not trying to hurt anyone..." I say. The women chants a spell, I feel the Heretics ready to attack, maybe even take over my body. "Stay back!" The women kept on coming closer as I try to guard Freya and myself. She then throws some powder at me. All I see is darkness.

Henry's POV
Davina informed me of what happened with Freya and  Stefanie. One of the local witches took them hostage. "Let's go." Davina says. We enter the Lafayette Cemetery. "STEFANIE!" I yell her name, no answer. "Valerie, can you do a locator spell?" "I can try with your blood, it might work." After some time, my blood worked. Stefanie was in the Cemetery. "Freya!" I hug her as I look over my shoulder, the witch is here. "Welcome, glad you can join. Don't worry Stefanie is fine." The witch says, "My name is Amelia. Your girlfriend is holding something dear, a miracle. Something so powerful we haven't seen in a very long time." Stefanie is then brought inside with us. "Stefanie, you alright?" "I'm fine, Henrik." Weird,..she never says my full name. "What are you trying to say. I get she's a heretic, but there shouldn't be a reason to take her hostage-"  "Henry,...listen." Freya says. Everyone goes silent. I hear a heartbeat, a small tiny one. "Davina are you-" "No, I'm not Rik." I look over to Stefanie, my eyes traveling down to her stomach as she holds it. "Impossible. Y..your lying!" I yell at Amelia. "I know it's crazy, but it's true Henry." Stefanie says. "You know what you are Henrik, you lied to your own girlfriend. Now look what happened." Amelia says. "I know Vampires can't procreate, but I swear I haven't been with any-" "But Werewolf's can." I say. "W..what-" Stefanie says confused. "Me and my witches will be in charge of this child." "That's not happening." Valerie says, "It happened once, it can happen again." Amelia says, "You May go.."

   -Time skip to nighttime-

Stefanie's POV
"You lied Henry! You knew you were a Hybird and now look what happened." I say angry, "Stef, I'm sorry. Look, I don't care how long those witches will fight. We'll help you, Davina, Freya, Kol, Valerie, and anyone else who can." I sigh thankful that he's sticking with me, "Thank you." I say as I hug him. "I need to go back to Mystic Falls, Dr. Saltzman is going to kill me for being gone." I give him a kiss goodbye before entering Valerie's Car.

-end of chapter 8
P.S. I really enjoyed writing this chapter! (From now on any new Cast members and/or Guest stars will be put in the descriptions.)

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