10: Baby Shower Turns Sour

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On Saturday, Caren and Halle helped Mrs Patterson get the food into the cooling van. The girls stayed back at home while Halle's mom went to help Pamela's family arrange the venue.

In the afternoon, Mrs Patterson returned home to get dressed for the occasion. By this time, the whole family, with the exception of Mr Patterson and Halle's grandparents, got ready and left house for Pamela's baby shower.

On getting there, Caren gushed at how beautiful the venue looked. Outside the event centre was marvellous. The colour theme was pink and the entrance had lots of decorations which included brilliant colourful trees, beautiful flower walls on metal frames, pink and blue balloons in the shape of tunnels and cute little banners hanging everywhere with the words - 'WELCOME TO PAMELA'S BABY SHOWER'.

"This place is fantastic!" Caren smiled from ear to ear. "You know I've never really been to one of these before. I had no idea it's this beautiful."

"As they say, there is a first time for everything." Halle giggled. "Let's check out the inside."

"Oh my goodness! Look at this place. It's like paradise." Caren enthused as soon as she stepped into the building.

"It is beautiful indeed! I wonder how much it must have cost to put all these together." Halle pondered.

"Definitely a lot! Pamela's sister must really love her to put all these together for her."

"True! I can't wait to see the look on her face when she walks in." Halle smiled.

"Hey Ladies, what's going on?"

"Hi Preston! We're just admiring the place. What you doing?" Halle asked.

"Waiting for the ceremony to start. Did you guys come with presents for the soon-to-be Mom?" He asked.

"Oh my God, Halle! We forgot to bring presents." Caren gasped.

"Do you know I totally forgot? All that cooking distracted me." Halle said as she covered her face in shame.

"Well that's pretty selfish of you girls!" Preson sighed.

"Huh? Well, what did you bring?" Halle asked inquisitively.

"Nothing!" Preston shrugged.

"Nothing?" Halle threw her head back.

"And he called us selfish!" Caren squinted.

"At least we assisted in preparing some of the dishes! Safe to say our services, which were rendered for free, can pass for gifts." Halle smiled.

"Yeah, typical Halle coming up with excuses." Preston rolled his eyes.

"Some nerve you have today, Boy! At least we did something. You didn't, so shush!" Halle expressed this by putting her index finger on her lips.

"The truth hurts!" Preston chuckled.

"Talk to the hand! My ears are too precious to listen to you." She smirked.

"You guys are like 2 year olds! I'm going to get a seat." Caren laughed and walked away.


A few minutes later, Pamela arrived and was very excited to see everyone at the baby shower that was organised on her behalf. She received a lot of gifts from her friends and loved ones and even opened some of them in the presence of everyone.

"Eating and dancing time, finally!" Halle rolled her eyes. "My two favourite things to do, yay!

"Aw! I was hoping she'd open more presents. I was really enjoying that segment." Caren chuckled.

"Really? You're excited even though you know you're not the one going home with any of the gifts?" Halle wore a surprised expression.

"Of course! I mean, I wish the presents were mine. But nevertheless, I was pretty much interested in knowing what she got." Caren shrugged.

"I'll tell you what... How about we sneak into the store when everyone's dancing and find out what the rest of the presents are?"

"Preston!" Caren smacked him on his shoulder. "Do you know how much trouble we could get in if we get caught."

"Who said we'll get caught? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with here?" Preston smiled.

"Don't think I'm all that interested to know." Caren threw her eyes the other way.

"I'm just here thinking of what I'll wear to come visit you both in jail." Halle rubbed her chin.

"In your dreams!" Preston laughed.

"I think I'm gonna go have a drink." Caren looked towards the bar.

"Oh, I know a really nice cocktail you can't resist." Halle crossed her legs.

"Ooh, tell me!" She smirked.

"Sex On The Beach!" Halle replied.

"You know I never really had that. But I'll save that for some other time. Been craving the Blue Lagoon." Caren got up.

"Oh come on, try something new. I promise you'll really like it."

"Okay fine!" Caren rolled her eyes.

"Can I have one too?" Preston asked.

"You can't have that!" Caren shot back.

"Why not?" He asked in a sad tone.

"Because it's meant for people like me." She giggled.

"Huh?" He arched his brows.

"Just get him Cuddles On The Beach. He'll definitely like that one." Halle chuckled.

"Much better! Let's go Preston." She said as she walked in the direction of the bar.

Preston followed behind but got distracted when his mom called him. Caren ordered their drinks and was about to leave the bar when she glanced around for Preston and saw that he was with his mother. She gave him a signal that his drink was ready before returning to her seat.

After a few seconds, she turned to her right and saw Mrs Patterson advancing towards her with Pamela and Halle.

"Pamela, this is my daughter's friend and colleague, Caren. She's spending the holidays with us." Mrs Patterson smiled.

"Congratulations on your first baby, Mrs Pamela." Caren said as she stood up and extended her hand to her.

"Oh, bless you my dear. Thank you so much for coming. It's such a huge pleasure to have everyone around again just like old times." She giggled joyously.

"Just like old times!" Mrs Patterson laughed along. "Oh and you remember my sister's kids, Liam and Preston? Come here Boys!" She beckoned on them.

"Oh my goodness! Look at them! So big now." Pamela reached out and hugged the both of them at the same time. "Hope you boys are doing well in school?"

"We are!" They replied in unison.

"That's wonderful to know. Gotta make Mama proud now." She smiled. "Well Darlings, it was lovely to meet you all. I'll go say hello to the other guests and I'll be back, alright?"

"No problem Dear, see you later." Mrs Patterson gave her a peck on the cheek before she left.

"Caren, I'll just take my drink and join my mom for a bit. I'll be back soon." Preston whispered in her ear.

"Alright, it's the one with the umbrella in it." She said without taking her attention off Mrs Patterson who was saying something.

"Thanks!" He replied as he took the glass and left.


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