32: The New Assistant

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Monday morning, Caren arrived at the office a few minutes before the hour of 8. Her policy was to always be on time and walk gracefully into the office building as opposed to rush into the building like a maniac as a result of running late.

She got into her office and noticed some things were a little off. Her desk was no longer in its usual position. What's worse? It was moved in order to create a sufficient amount of space to fit another table. On top of it was a computer monitor, the system unit, a keyboard, a mouse and a printer. Next to it was a leather chair that looked super comfortable.

"What in the world is going on here? Is this some kind of a mistake?" She murmured sotto voce.


She turned back at the sound of her name and saw Calvin confidently stride in through the door with a large smile on his face.

"Good morning!" She managed to force a smile while wearing a completely puzzled expression.

"Morning! I see you've noticed the new arrangement." He said in a cheerful tone.

"Uhm... Calvin, what's going on?"

"I'll tell you in a second, but first, I have to introduce you to someone." He walked to the door and opened it. "Jade!" He called out. "Please, get in here!"

Caren's gaze immediately shifted to the large window next to the door. She noticed the heads of all the employees turning, as the sounds coming from a pair of high heels approached.

Her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the vivacious light brunette in a red corporate pencil dress, catwalking her way through the corridor and into the office. The floor suddenly seemed to be her runway and the 'click clack' sound coming from her black pointed stilettos served as substitute for the music.

Caren swallowed, what suddenly felt like a hard ball and she took a deep breath.

"Caren..." Calvin smiled, "Please allow me to formally introduce you to your new assistant, Jade Reyes."

"A...Assistant?" Her voice quivered. "Why do I need an assistant?"

"Come on now, Caren! Are you seriously asking me why you need an assistant? You mean to tell me you don't have a single clue as to why this company hired a personal assistant for you?"

"No! As a matter of fact, I don't." She said in a perplexed tone.

"Okay, I'll tell you then. The truth is, we have come to notice that your performance at work has sort of been on a decline compared to how it was when you started working here. It now seems to me as though, you're beginning to slack off which you very well know goes contrary to the rules of this company which states that, every employee working here, must put in nothing but their best at all times."

"I don't understand! All I have ever done is give this company, one hundred percent. So where have I gone wrong in doing so?" Her expression was stern.

"If all you've given to this company is one hundred percent, then how come we're seeing less? Listen Caren, don't think I'm trying to undermine all the efforts and hard work you've put into the growth and welfare of this company over the years. You know that's the last thing I would do. But then again, you have to realize that if this company has noticed some sort of shift in the way things are being run, it's because there's an actual problem that needs to be fixed."

"So if you noticed there was a decline in my performance all this time, how come I'm just getting to know about it now? I thought the standard procedure was to summon the employee at fault and issue them a warning. Why is it that, in my case, I suddenly have to share my office and my job without any prior notice?"

"I need not remind you that this company has the right to take any decision regarding any of its office. If you have a problem, put it on paper and address it to the board like every other employee here. I honestly don't know why you're acting so defensive. Any other person in your shoes would have been excited to get an assistant. I'm sure you already know that your office bears a lot more responsibilities compared to the others. We understand that it can be a little overwhelming considering the fact that you also have other things to take care of in your personal life. Try and understand that it's nothing personal. It's all for the good of this company."

"Right!" Her eyes fell to the ground.

"Caren, I can assure you that you won't run into any problems with Miss Jade, if that's one of the things you're worried about. She's extremely professional, that I can tell you. I encourage you to take a look at her credentials, you'll notice she's more than capable of handling this position." He smiled.

"Okay!" She replied unenthusiastically.

"Great! Okay Ladies, enough talking, let's all get to work." He turned and left the office.

"Don't worry Caren, I assure you, we are going to get along just fine." Jade winked and walked to her desk.

"Sure!" Caren nodded and returned to her table.

"You know, you guys were actually arguing like a real couple. Are you guys dating or something?" Jade asked.

"First off, I wasn't arguing with him. I just needed answers, that's all. Secondly, I'm pretty sure you're well aware that this is a professional environment and not a place for people to go around finding dates." Caren replied without taking her eyes off her computer.

"I know! That's why I thought it was a little bit strange."

"Why did you think it was strange?" Caren asked inquisitively.

"Because everything in the work place has a procedure," Jade shrugged. "No one sits around bartering words. It's clear as daylight that you guys are definitely more than coworkers." She giggled like an excited teenager.

"Jade, it's just your first day here and you already seem to have a hard time minding your own business." Caren rolled her eyes.

"Okay, okay, okay." She put her hands up and smiled. "I didn't mean to ruffle up your feathers. Was only trying to make conversation."

"We're not here to talk, we're here to work. So let's do that."

"Alright then!" Jade smiled and proceeded to turn on her computer.


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