27: Hot Or Cold

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The following day, Caren left her home earlier than usual in order to get to the office before everyone else. Knowing that her presence at the company each and every day of the week was not only extremely vital for its well-being but also, for the daily tasks that needs to be carried out under her strict supervision, she wasn't in the least surprised to see the amount of work that had piled up on her desk.

Regardless of the backlog of work she had to take care of in such a short amount of time, Caren was unfazed. If there was anything she was really good at, it was her job. Taking care of things quickly and effectively was her one of her best qualities. It's no wonder she was able to quickly work her way up the corporate ladder and earn herself a position with many contenders.

Within 2 hours, Caren was done with the previous day's work. All that was left was to send out a few emails. She logged into the company's account and was about to start typing, when her phone notified her of a new message in her mailbox. The mail was from the company's secretary, reminding everyone of the meeting scheduled for 10 O'clock that morning.

She sighed with relief upon seeing the reminder. "Ugh, Can't believe I forgot to check my email yesterday!" She said disappointedly as she imagined how much trouble she'd have gotten into had it been she missed the meeting.

By 9:55am, Caren left her office and headed straight for the conference room. On her way, she met Halle.

"Girl what happened yesterday? I was surprised to hear you didn't show up for work but then they told me you called in sick. What happened?" Halle asked in a concerned manner.

"Yes I was a little bit down yesterday. It's that time of the month and you know how that can be."

"Oh, I know alright! So how are you feeling today? Still in pains?"

"No not anymore. I feel much better today." Caren smiled.

"Glad to hear that." Halle replied as she opened the door of the conference room and motioned her hand forward. "Please, lead the way."

"Thank you!" Caren smiled and walked in. "Good morning, everyone!" She said to the number of coworkers who were already seated waiting for the meeting to start. They all exchanged a few pleasantries but fell silent the second the door swung open and Calvin walked in.

Caren stole a quick glance at him and noticed that his expression was very stern and his aura was a little bit off, almost as if he was in a bad mood.

"Good morning!" Calvin said in a grave tone. He walked to the head of the table and pulled the chair reserved for him backwards, but instead of sitting down, he moved closer to the edge of table and placed both of his hands on it. "I believe everyone here has an idea as to why I called for this very important meeting. Based on the series of actions that transpired between one of our very esteemed clients and our former employee, our reputation as one of the best marketing companies in this country if not the whole world, is now on the line. We are currently being dragged to court as a result of this but luckily for us, we have some of the best lawyers in this city. Hopefully, they'll do what they to get us out of the mud and wash this horrible stain off our company's name."

"Ugh! Can't believe they decided to go through with this after all that time we spent apologizing to them for our employee's shortcomings. They even gave us their word that they'd put all of this behind them and move on with the contract." Caren shook her head.

"Well maybe you didn't apologize hard enough!" Calvin shot back.

"Excuse me? I did everything I could on my part to convince them that we're taking all the necessary measures to ensure this incident does not repeat itself again."

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