22: Misunderstood

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At work the next day, Caren felt a bit uneasy. She wasn't sure if Calvin was going to create another scene if he set his eyes on her. She hadn't gotten too close to him in the past to know the other side of him. And even though they were good friends at work, she always saw him as a calm and peaceful person. Never one to start making trouble.

Another person she was hoping to give a peace of her mind to was Halle. She was at the least, expecting a call from her to apologize for the lies she made up that triggered Calvin to react the way he did but she received none. She had a lot of things to do for the day but the most important part she was looking forward to, was her meeting with Olivia.

The day went by pretty quickly and as Halle packed up her desk to leave, a knock came on the door.

"Yes? Come in!" She yelled. She glanced up as the door opened and saw Halle walk in.

"Hey Caren." Halle called out in a calm tone.

"Hi!" She replied coldly.

"How's everything with you?" She asked.

"Everything's perfect! Never been better."

"Happy to hear. Listen uhm, I wanted to apologize for the other night." Halle's head fell.

"Oh really? What exactly, are you here to apologize for?"

"I'm here to apologize for telling Calvin that you were with a sugar daddy. Honestly Caren, I didn't mean it in to be demeaning. That twit Calvin totally misunderstood me and turned the whole situation upside down."

"Hm? Let's see... How else were you expecting him to take it, Halle? What on earth does the word 'sugar daddy' mean to you, huh? You single-handedly made the whole situation 10 times worse by telling him I was hanging out with an older man for his money! How else did you expect him to react when he saw that the 'old man' was his father?"

"What? I didn't tell him you were with an older man for his money!" Halle yelled with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh really? So what else do you think sugar daddy means, huh?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I must have used the wrong word. I only told him that so he would stop whining about you. He was talking so much and all I wanted to do was shut him up and enjoy the damn cruise. That's why I told him you were with a sugar daddy just so he would know you're not interested in getting into a relationship with him. I'm really sorry!"

"So why didn't you just tell him the truth? That I wasn't interested? Why?" Caren folded her arms.

"I felt like he wouldn't understand. I had to say it like that so he would realize he can't offer you anything better and he'd chill for a second. That's all!"

"And you said you didn't mean it to be demeaning." She chuckled.

"I didn't! It wasn't." Halle shrugged.

"It wasn't? Calling me a gold digger... a prostitute... wasn't demeaning to you? My God Halle, sometimes I wonder what planet you are actually from." She shook her head.

"Right! I made a mistake and I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. Please forgive me... Please?" She put her hands together.

"I forgive you, Halle!" Caren rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, I feel so relieved now. Thanks Girl. You're heading out right?"

"Yes!" Caren grabbed her bag and her phone and they both left the office.

They got to the lobby, downstairs, and the first person that Caren laid her eyes kn was Calvin. He turned and saw her then took some files off the reception desk and walked away like she didn't exist.

"I can't help but feel I'm the reason why he snubbed you like that." Halle said as they got out of the building.

"It's not your fault. He probably more mad at the fact that I'm going out with his dad."

"You guys are going out?"

"Not in that way. But Calvin probably thinks that."

"Yeah he probably does. Anyway, any plans for tonight?" Halle asked.

Caren thought about telling her that she made plans to meet up with Olivia but suddenly changed her mind. She figured that since Halle didn't like Olivia that much, she'd try to talk her out of the meeting.

"No, I don't have any plans tonight. As a matter of fact, I don't feel very well so I'll probably just take a hot cup of tea and call it a night."

"Oh dear, what's wrong? Is it serious?" Halle asked with a concerned expression on her face.

"It's nothing serious. I think my body just needs more rest. I should feel better by tomorrow."

"Okay, please take care alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I will! Get home safe." Caren smiled and got into the taxi she waved down.


An hour after Caren had settled in, at home, she placed a call to Dylan.

"Hey there, Dearest! Always a pleasure to hear from you."

"Same here Dylan. How was your day?"

"A lot better now that I'm hearing from you." He chuckled. "Excited about meeting your friend tonight?"

"About that... I wanted to find out if you'll be free to join me there tonight?"

"I would love to! Are you sure you don't need some privacy catching up with an old friend and all?"

"Not at all! I'd be happy to have you there." She smiled.

"Great! I'll be there to pick you up by 8pm."

"Thank you! Uhm... Dylan?"


"Have you spoken to Calvin since that incident happened?"

"No I haven't! I called him a couple of times yesterday but he never answered. Did he make any trouble at the office?"

"Oh no he didn't. He saw me and walked away without saying anything."

"He's probably still a little upset but he'll definitely come around sooner or later. He isn't the type of person that anyone would describe as being troublesome. I know the only reason he acted in such a callous manner was because he was under the influence of something. We'll give him some time to cool off. You don't need to worry about a thing."

"Thank you! Well I guess I'll see you soon." She smiled.

"See you soon. Take care!"


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