A quick author's note.

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Firstly, I have absolutely no idea if author's notes are even common here. But I'm going to make one anyway, so I don't put one in between chapters. To save me and anyone who reads this some time, I will try to keep it short. I am also lazy, so I am going to be copy-pasting the whole thing here.

Hello. I know author's notes are generally frowned upon, but hear me out just this once. I promise not to bother anyone with these in the middle of a chapter, so I will be posting all noteworthy updates in here.

First, I would like to make things clear. This is a piece of fiction based off of the characters from UNDERTALE, an indie RPG game made by Toby Fox. If you haven't played the game before, I highly suggest you play it as I will not have mercy on spoilers here.

Second, I am open to any and all criticism you might want to throw at me. If you want to express something, please do so. It's the only way for an aspiring fanfic writer to reach a higher level, so I would greatly appreciate it.

Third, my update schedule is approximately once every two to three days. I still have two years before I get to any important exam of any kind, so I can afford to pour time in this.

Fourth, If there are any mistakes... woops. I don't edit and proofread my stories. I let word do it for me. The problem? I write in British English, and I'm using an American autocorrect. That right there is a pair made in hell.

There are some extra points I have to make regarding upload schedules. I will upload on both websites on the same day. If I wished to edit a small detail here and there from previous chapters, I'll try to make sure I do it on both platforms (knowing me, I will forget).

That's all. I hope you enjoy the book.


Update log:

04/28: Changed the quick author's note, because I don't know what the hell I was high on when I wrote that.

04/28: So, on the future of this book.

Usually, when you hear those words, you immediately assume the negative connotations that it brings with it. Not in this case. Not by a long shot.

The Mountain East started when I got hit by massive amounts of nostalgia, and decided to write it to get into the Undertale mood. Back then, I thought I was going to write a nice little angsty novella about Chara and Asriel. I presumed it would be around 30 to 40 chapters.

Well... after writing the first three or four chapters, I developed a sort of quote and idea dump, which would equate to, oh, just under 200 chapters. To quote JRR Tolkien, 'the story grew in the telling'. Or something along those lines.

So, uh, I have a sort-of procedure (Not a plan. I hate plans.) about the plot that will take place. I have so many ideas I want to share. Judging on my schedule, it will probably take under a year, so there are around 10 months left. I know a year sounds like a lot, but it's just father time playing tricks on your mind. Well, for me, anyways.

I get if you don't want to stick around. I know most of you read fanfiction for quick and accessible entertainment. You don't want to sit around binging the same story for months on end. But as long as one person enjoys it, I will continue publishing it.

I have split this book into four acts for my sanity and yours. Here they are, in order, so you might get a slight glimpse of what might come. Act 1, this act, is named 'Chara'. Act 2 is called 'Gaster', Act 3 'Frisk' and Act 4 'Asriel'. I know those are very vague names for overarching storylines, but I don't want to reveal a lot. On a side note, you might get confused. Trust me. I wrote this, and I still get confused.

Alright. I'll see you in 10 months.

Or more.

Or less.

Eh, don't count on it. 

05/22: Act I finished.

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