Chapter 16

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Rain poured down on the melancholic city. The moon had already made its journey to the top of the sky, bearing down on all those beneath it. It remained one of the few sources of light. Surrounding the metropolis was a crudely built barricade, constructed of an amalgamation between wood and concrete. Despite its haphazard placement and choice of materials, it stood sturdily encompassing the town center.

A single horse with a single rider emerged from the portcullis, agitating the guards stationed outside the perimeter. Their bright red-blue uniforms depicted them apart, even in the night.

"Monsieur! Que fais-tu? Ce n'est pas sûr d'être à l'extérieur maintenant!" The guards approached the stallion, rifles at the ready. The shadow of the figure riding the black horse could not be seen, as he was obscured by his long, billowing cape. He pulled at the reins, causing the horse to bray loudly and stop. He dismounted, his long hair now showing atop his cloak.

"Monsieur, retourne à l'intérieur!" The guards were dangerously close to the rider and his companion, their bayonets almost burrowing into the horse's rear. Sensing danger, said horse kicked its hind legs at the intruders, causing them to flail slightly and return to a more polite position. Beads of sweat froze to the sides of their necks as they circled the two.

The rider slowly reached for his pocket. Before the guards could halt his actions or take him into custody for breaking curfew, the familiar sound of a chink echoed across the plain fields. The head guard looked down at his palms, expression in utter shock.

There, several pieces of jewelry lay, complete with a diamond and one other opal.

"Tu ne m'as jamais vu." The horseman saddled his horse and prepared to leave. The other guards had a wicked gleam in their eyes as they looked at the bountiful rewards in their peer's hands.

The horse and rider rode uncontested into the distant fields. Behind him, and amongst all the commotion in the city that bothered him 24/7, he could hear voices bickering and arguing. He sighed. They were all the same. Filled with such greed, such lust for material gain that in their feeble minds would please their egotistical selves. The fake, meaningless feeling of power.

Then again, who was he to say? He had fallen victim to hypocrisy once again.

As the crescent moon above started to wane, the briber reached his destination. A small, outlying cottage with a small farm integrated into its back. The snort of pigs and whistle of wheat sang lullabies to his ears.

He brandished a piece of rope from his back pocket, and secured his horse with it against a wooden pillar next to the humble abode. Slowly, he approached the front door. With a deep breath, he knocked gingerly.

Five seconds passed before the door creaked open to reveal a woman with a petite build. Her hair was long, but was obscured mostly by her large tattered gown. Her limbs were flimsy and body thin. Her legs were angled in such a way that she would not expose any skin to the visitor.

But her most unique attribute were her eyes.

Her bloodred eyes. The visitor paid no attention to them.

She tried to avoid the sightline of the door at first, but soon welcomed the figure, stepping aside to let him in. To her surprise, the figure did not step inside. Instead, he took off his hood and cloak, exposing his hair to the rain. A small, insignificant crown was removed with the rest of his accessories.

The two stared at each other for a while, before the man opened his arms, welcoming a hug. The woman obliged, crashing into his chest.

"Mademoiselle, it has been too long." The man spoke with a heavy French accent.

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