Chapter 14

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Sooner or later, Chara began to fall into a routine. The shock and confoundment of the first two weeks had glossed over. Her existence was made note of by the public, who mostly rejoiced as she was the new hope. Perhaps, with a human in the underground... hope was not entirely forsaken.

Chara and Asriel exchanged stories whilst they frolicked around. The former was significantly more reserved about their old family, a sore topic that she would rather not be brought up. Despite the many attempts of Asgore and Toriel trying to adopt her as a second child, she refused all offers. Though she was sure they meant well, 'family' to her was more of an insult than a relationship.

Chara soon learned that the underground, whomst had first surprised her by its magnitude, was indeed a small world. Even with races and species more diverse than the surface, order was mostly kept well and everyone seemed to know each other, whether through direct or indirect relations.

The Dreemurrs have also thrice tried to persuade Chara to eat snails, who promptly denied, stating they were too 'French'. Asgore had heard of the word vaguely, and it strangely made him nostalgic for long bread.

One day, Asgore approached Chara, asking for a favor. The time was mid-noon, and Toriel had just left to see the new capital, which was named 'New home'. Chara applauded the couple on their originality. His horns got stuck on the doorframe when he tried to duck into Asriel and Chara's room.

"Asriel, can you leave Chara and I be for a second? There is chocolate on the dining table outside." Asriel happily obliged, his mouth watering at the thought of the treat. He bounded out into the hallway after taking a last glance at the two.

Asgore laughed at her longing face. "Forgive me, Chara. I promise you just as bountiful sweets after I am done talking." This was met with a slight smirk and deep craving for chocolate.

"There is... something, I would like to ask of you. A favor, if you will. My wife has not been exactly keen on this plan, so... it is best if we keep this between us." Asgore sighed whilst wiping his brow with a handkerchief. His regal crown sat slightly lopsided atop his head.

Chara regarded the king with a look of acceptance. "Listen. You've saved my life. I might even go as far as to say you started my life. I am forever in debt to your family. If I can repay you somehow, in some way... I will not hesitate to do so."

Asgore nodded and continued with his spiel. "I know it is... unwise for me to ask this of a child, but... you have shown to be so resilient. I know memories of the surface still plague you at times, but... many monsters still crave to see the sunlight once again. And I, as a king, have a duty to fulfill their dreams."

"You want to study my soul. Perhaps, find another way to break the barrier." Chara interrupted. She then sheepishly apologized for doing so, but Asgore waved it off.

"Yes. I will make sure no harm comes to you. I know that I am not in a place to say that, especially after... last time."

Chara and Asgore fell silent in unison. The latter stood up from his crouched position and began backing out of the room.

"I'll see myself out. I'll tell Asriel to bring some chocolate. And Chara..."

He paused abruptly. His horns were painfully resemblant of the scythe he wielded.

"Thank you. You might not know it, but you've already done so much."

As the king exited, Chara could not help but notice a guilty atmosphere forming around him. Out of the three Dreemurrs, she had, by far, interacted with him the least. She was aware of the duty he was upheld by, and the jurisdiction in which he acted by, but that was it. She saw a king, a leader. The best possible kind.

Not a father.

And, after he accidentally triggered Chara's old memories and (emphasis on accidentally) left a bleeding gash across her face... Toriel was not exactly helping.

Apparently, by being two faces of the same coin, Asriel shared Chara's views. He slowly walked into the room, a plate laden with several bars of chocolate in his right paw. Asgore took no notice of his son as he retreated into his room.

Asriel offered one of the bars to Chara, who contentedly accepted. As she was enjoying her snack, he let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "I couldn't help but overhear what dad had to say. He still feels guilty about, y'know, that time."

Chara gnawed slowly on the second to bottom square of chocolate, specifically. She only spoke when half of the bar had been diminished into nothing. "He's a good man. I'm sure he cares about you a lot. It's... it's hard to juggle a country and a family together. Trust me. I would know."

Asriel knew better than to question the backstory behind this belief. His ears drooped slightly, which made Chara chuckle. She always had a weird fascination with these conundrums of a listening device. "Yeah. I feel bad for dad, really. I can't imagine how he must feel, dealing with all the stress and whatnot. Admittedly, it's one of the reasons why I'm doing all these... prince things in advance. I thought... maybe I could lift some responsibility off dad. I could show them I wasn't taking anything for granted anymore." His expression turned into one of pain and hope. Of... painful hope, and hopeful pain.

Chara nodded, not one of encouragement, but one of understanding. She knew how it felt, the feeling of knowing that repayment is never enough. Knowing that no amount of blood and tears could ever amount to their kindness. It was terrifying, really. To be bound not by law or promise, but emotion. It was no better. Chara hated them both.

She hated that all her actions were done in self-preservation. Her legacy. Her adopted philosophy of 'Each man for himself'.

But Asriel had shown her there was more to life than just living. That there was meaning to it, even if the attempts were futile. She no longer lived a life of living. Instead, she lived a lively life. A life she always wanted. And, deep down, she knew it was the life he always wanted. His form of happiness was always bound to someone else's.

A perfect family. Unbreakable. Inseparable. Incorruptible.

She sat still, her mind running rampant with questions about morality, philosophies of right and wrong.

Asriel noticed her silence and gave her another bar. She tried to reach for it but could not muster any intent to do so. Instead, she pushed it away, and shoved it into Asriel's other paw.

Chara ignored his signs of protest. There was a way to repay kindness. There will be.

Because the Dreemurrs weren't the only ones she was bound too. She was bound to a much larger family. The ones that had accepted her, rejoiced when no one of her own kind would.

She would find a way to free the monsters. To give them the perfect revenge they had seeked for so many long years.

No matter how much hope she had to promise.

No matter how much pain she had to pay in. 

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